Submission Information

Submissions to Drama Source

Drama Source Submission Process

Responding and Simultaneous Submissions - We receive many submissions. This makes it impossible to always respond to each. We try to as much as possible, but the volume has made it so it is not always possible. For that reason, we do allow simultaneous submissions. We do request, however, that if you end getting a publishing contact with someone else you let us know immediately so we don't waste our time reviewing something we can not publish.

Review Process and Timing - We try to respond to a script submission within 3 months if we plan to publish it. However, sometimes it might be much longer because at times we like a script but have reached our capacity for putting them into the market. We may hold it back for a later date. That is another reason we allow simultaneous submissions, yet ask if you get published elsewhere that you inform us immediately.

Returning Your Manuscript - We have tried in the past to always return the author's manuscript. Due to high volumes, this has become costly. Therefore, we will no longer return manuscripts. Almost all contact with you initially will be through email.

If you haven't read the information about submitting your work, including royalties and other information you may want to go to the Playwright's and Musician's page.

Note: Though we will take scripts year-round we prefer to receive them in August since our main reading time is September 1 - October 31. Do not send us information on more than one script at a time unless they are short and you would like them put in one script book. Once we have either finished the publishing process or let you know we did not accept a script you are free to send another request. This helps us keep everything straight and moving forward in a timely manner.

Before sending your script please contact us through our Contact Us Link and put in the following:

  1. Query letter
  2. Title of Work
  3. Type of Work (drama, melodrama, musical, comedy, etc.)
  4. If it is a musical please explain what form the music is in. (CD, sheet music and program like Finale, etc.) Also explain what instruments it is written for,  such as if it is for a large orchestra or small group or piano. Please also describe the music type. (Jazz, Pop, Sacred, etc.)
  5. Approximate running time for performance
  6. Indicate if you own all rights to the work or if it is joint ownership or if there are any others that have any rights. If there are any problems here explain fully.
  7. Cast break down (Men, Women, Boys, Girls) and ages
  8. Any special costume requirements
  9. Types of set(s)
  10. About a one page synopsis
  11. Target audience
  12. Where and by whom the script has been produced if any place
  13. Awards the script has won if any
  14. Any additional information you think is useful to us
  15. Author's or Authors' Bio(s)
  16. Contact Information including:
    • Name
    • Address (Full address with the city, state, zip, etc.)
    • Phone
    • Email (This is a must)