Drama Source Royalties
Author(s) Performance Royalty - 70%
We cover all expenses of shipping and delivery giving 70% of royalties fees to the author(s). For example, if you play has a royalty of $50 per performance and is performed by a group for 3 shows the total would be $150 of which Drama Source would send $105 to you, the author.
Printed Material Sales Royalties - 10%
Scripts, scores, etc. have a very low markup compared to cost. (Note: As we perfect and automate our digital system, we plan to offer higher percentages to authors.) The main goal, yours as well as ours, is to get your script used in performance. Therefore we try to keep our profit margins low. Thus, for example, if we sell your script for $5 most of that will be printing costs. You would receive 10% or 50 cents.
Sheet Music Sales Royalties - 15%
The royalties on sheet music used for choirs etc. is 15%. (Note: As we perfect and automate our digital system, we plan to offer higher percentages to authors.) Thus if you had a piece of sheet music and it sold for $2.00 and 20 are needed for a choir we would do the copying and mailing of the 20 pieces of music. The total cost to the choir would be $40 of which you would receive $6.00.
Other Possibilities
If an author wants to self publish and just have us act as a fulfillment center, we are creating a new, separate site where that will where all scripts will be marketed digitally. Scripts at the new site will have the designation for publishing put in by those who enter them in the system, whether it is the author or any publisher. The new site will handle the collection of royalties and provide with to theatre. Some possibilities include:
If you are interested in this as a possible option, contact us and we will include you in our information when the site is finished.