![]() | Coming Home (The Musical) – Script One needed for each performer and others directing or working with production. Price: $8.00 |
Coming Home (The Musical)
Shauna find herself in the small town her husband grew up in when her car breaks down. Interesting things start to happen. This also has a play version.Name | Description | ||
Coming Home (The Musical) – Vocal Book | Coming Home (The Musical) – Vocal Book. Suggest one copy per performer, or have them purchase their own. Must purchase each copy desired. | ||
Coming Home (The Musical) – Combo/Piano Score | Coming Home (The Musical) – Combo/Piano Score – Suggest purchase one for performance/and or rehearsal pianist. Must purchase each copy used. | ||
Coming Home (The Musical) – MP3 Instrumental Only | Coming Home (The Musical) – MP3 Instrumental Only. – Suggest purchase one for performance and possibly each performer or they can purchase their own. Must pay for each copy used. | ||
Coming Home (The Musical)- Orchestra Score | Coming Home (The Musical) – Orchestra Score – One needed for performance | ||
Coming Home (The Musical)- Peformance Royalty | Coming Home (The Musical) – Peformance Royalty – One needed for each performance. | ||
Coming Home (The Musical)- Remote Viewer Peformance Royalty | Remote Viewer Peformance Royalty – one needed per connection (limit ten viewers per ticket) |
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Coming Home (The Musical)
Shauna, Susan, and Sally Smith, and Susan’s fiance, Tom, find themselves in a small town for Memorial Day weekend when their car breaks down. It isn’t just any town and fun things begin to happen.
Scripts Needed (minimum): 20
Performance Royalty: None needed
Cast: 8+Male, 7+ Female, Many others
Time: 2.5 hours
Sets: Lots of small sets, uses backdrops if available
Author/Composer/Lyricist: Daris Howard (Bio)
Arranger: Donna Howard (Bio)
Shauna Smith and her two daughters, Susan and Sally, along with Susan’s fiance, Tom, find themselves in a small town for Memorial Day weekend when their car breaks down. It turns out to not be just any town but the town where Shauna’s husband, Richard, grew up, though none of them have been there before.
It seems too much of a coincidence to have just happened. The old man, Ben, seems to know them as well. Susan and Sally also find a picture of him in a history book about the town and believe he is the ghost of their great-grandfather, Ben, who had died many years earlier. Why does he want them there?
The people of the town add humor by just being their ordinary selves. Soon everyone begins to love the town. They soon realize that the town needs them and they begin to love the simpler life.
The ending has some interesting twists as Richard shows up. He thought he had planned the whole thing, but soon finds out perhaps he was just part of a plan by Ben.
For a real fun, community musical, this is one you will want to do. For the play version see Coming Home (The Play).
Coming Home (The Musical)
Coming Home
(The Musical)
Daris and Donna Howard
Coming Home
Copyright ©1998 by Daris Howard
All Rights Reserved
CAUTION: Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that COMING HOME is subject to a royalty. It is fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America, the British Commonwealth, including Canada, and all other countries of the Copyright Union. All rights, including professional, amateur, motion picture, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio broadcasting, television, and the rights of translation into foreign language are strictly reserved.
The amateur live stage performance rights to COMING HOME are controlled exclusively by Howard Music and Publishing Company and royalty arrangements and licenses must be secured well in advance of presentation. PLEASE NOTE that amateur royalty fees are set upon application in accordance with your producing circumstances. When applying for a royalty quotation and license please give us the number of performances intended, dates of production, your seating capacity and the admission fee. Royalties are payable one week before the opening performance of the play to Howard Music and Publishing Co., 1588 E. 361 N., St. Anthony, Idaho 83445.
Royalty of the required amount must be paid whether the play is presented for charity or gain, and whether or not admission is charged. For all other rights than those stipulated above, apply to Howard Music and Publishing Company, 1588 E. 361 N. St. Anthony, Idaho 83445.
Copying from this book in whole or in part is strictly forbidden by law, and the right of performance is not transferable.
Whenever the play is produced, the following notice must appear on all programs, printing and advertising for the play, “Produced by special arrangement with Howard Music and Publishing Co.”
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Publication of this play does not imply availability for performance. Both amateurs and professionals considering a production are strongly advised in their own interests to apply to Howard Music and Publishing Company for written permission before starting rehearsals, advertising, or booking a theatre.
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I dedicate this musical to the good people of communities everywhere that make you feel like you are coming home when you are there. I especially dedicate it to the good people of the Snake River Valley in Idaho where I grew up.
Daris Howard
Dramatists personae
Smith Family
Richard (Ben) Smith – This has got to be a person that is about 40-50 but can be made to look about 80 with makeup.
Shauna Smith – A sophisticated lady who is about 40-50.
Susan Smith – A young lady of about 22-24 years of age.
Sally Smith – A young lady of about 14-16 years of age.
Tom – Susan’s fiance. He is a young man of about 22-24 years of age.
Community People
Mayor (Ray Perky) – A sarcastic man of late 30’s to 50 years old.
Bob Hansen – City councilman. Older man made to be in his eighties.
Fred Jensen – A man of about 30-60 years of age.
Jed Coppinger – A man probably at least in late forties. Leader of VFW post.
John Jones – A man of any age from twenties older.
Jim Stout – A man in age of about forty.
Virginia Olsen – Young lady newspaper reporter of about 20-25 years of age.
Mary James – Lady that can be in age from about 25-40 years old.
Jenny Hampton – Lady probably in her forties or fifties. Leads women’s choir.
Mrs. Brown – Lady in her mid forties. Old enough to have ten children, but young enough to have a three year old.
Children and Youth
Billy Stout – A scout of about 12 or 13.
Cindy Stout – Billy’s little sister. Probably about six. She has no lines.
Dixie Brown – Little girl of about 3. Possibly in pig tails and as cute as possible.
There could be more children and community people in the community scenes.Coming Home[Director’s Notes: In our stage we did not have curtains so we used side wings, floor, and blackouts to make the scene change effects.]
Act I , Scene 1
{The curtains open to a scene that is a town backdrop with old style buildings. There could be a park type bench down stage left. The music starts the minute the curtains open and plays under the next bit of dialogue. Ben is tipping his hat and saying hello to everyone he meets as they come on.}
Ben: Hello Mrs. Brown how are you today?
Mrs. Brown: I’m fine Ben. Is this it?
Ben: This is it. {Just then the Mayor goes by and Ben turns to him.} Mayor have you talked to everyone else?
Mayor: I think I have. You think they’ll like it?
Ben: We’ll see. I just want everyone to be normal. They must like it with everyone just being themselves.
Mayor: You don’t have to worry about that. No one is ever different.
Jim: {Who has just coming in.} That’s the problem around here if you ask my opinion.
Mayor: Well no one did that I recall.
Jim: Now wait just a minute…
{Jim is cut off by Ben singing. They all gather around Ben as he sings.}
Song – “It’s Going To Be A Beautiful Day”
Ben: It’s gonna be a beautiful day
Everything is going just the way I planned.
To make dreams come true they say
Sometimes you need to give it a little hand.
Mayor: What’s this I hear you might be here for quite a while
Ben: You never know though I hope so if fate will only smile.
Town folk: It’s gonna be a beautiful day
Everything is going just the way you planned.
To make a dream come true they say
Sometimes you need to give it a little hand.
Ben: Sometimes you need to give it a little hand.
Remember this is just a normal day.
Everyone: Normal, normal day.
{Everyone begins to fade off stage until it is bare. Shauna. Smith comes in from stage left followed by her daughters, Susan and Sally. Sally turns and waves from the direction they came.}
Shauna: Sally, stop it. You don’t want to encourage him. I have never been so humiliated in my whole life. Riding in the cab of a tractor, all four of us with that … that cowboy.
Susan: Well, at least we didn’t have to walk the five miles to town.
Sally: And he was kind of cute. How old do you think he is? Sixteen, seventeen, maybe?
Shauna: Who cares. The thought of having to stay the night in this, this, dumpy little town is more than a person can stand. I can’t even get a signal on my cell phone.
Sally: But Mom. Think of the excitement. Think of the adventure.
Shauna: I think I can live without it on my resume. I plan to get hold of your father and get out of here tomorrow with our without my car. I’m going to make a call from that phone booth.
{She goes over to a phone booth that is at the corner of upstage right or she can go off stage. Tom comes in looking quite bedraggled. He has four big suit cases, one under each arm and one in each hand. He has hand bags around his neck and at least one camera and is basically weighed down with as much luggage as a person can get wrapped around them.}
Sally: {Running over and taking the camera from around Tom’s neck.} Thanks Tom, I want to see if I can get a picture of the guy driving that tractor.
{As Sally pulls the camera loose it causes Tom to drop all of the bags. Sally runs off stage with the camera. As he is trying to pick things up Shauna comes back.}
Susan: Tom, you didn’t have to carry all of those bags. You could have made a second trip.
Shauna: {Coming back on.} Yes, Tom. If we have to live out of those suit cases we don’t want anything broken.
{Tom begins to pick up the bags. When he gets them all stacked he sits on the curb or suitcases or a bench..}
Susan: What did father have to say?
Shauna: Actually I got his secretary. She said he didn’t even come in today. She doesn’t know where he is.
Susan: What about at home?
Shauna: The maid said she hadn’t seen him, which isn’t unusual since he has almost always gone to the office before anyone else is up.
Susan: He does know we’re on our way?
Shauna: Yes, in fact he was very insistent that I call the minute the car was packed and we were heading out the door.
Susan: Well, that’s it? He must be planning a surprise. I mean he missed graduation so he’s probably got something up his sleeve. I can’t wait for him to meet Tom.
Shauna: He’ll be the one who surprised when we don’t make it home Sunday. {Shaking her head.} And he just had my Mercedes gone clear through.
Susan: Daddy won’t be worried yet. It is a long trip from Chicago to LA. We’ll just spend the night here and maybe our car will be ready tomorrow.
Shauna: Just what I wanted. To spend my Friday night on Memorial Day weekend in a cow town. There’s probably not even a restaurant.
Susan: You did tell his secretary where we are didn’t you?
{Sally comes in from one side of the stage and Ben, with his cane, comes in from the other The music starts. The chorus begins to drift in behind as town people going down the street or they could be on stage doing things like changing a light in a street light, etc.}
Shauna: How could I tell her where we are. I don’t know the name of this town. It’s not even on our map.
Song: Town Cast – “Small Town USA”
Mayor: Welcome to small town USA.
Everyone: Welcome to small town USA.
Male Chorus Solo: We are a dying breed
Male Chorus Solo: Some say we’ve just gone to seed.
All: Welcome to small town USA
Male Chorus Solo: The locals know your pickup and where you’re headed to
Male Chorus Solo: No need to use a blinker to tell folks what you’ll do.
Male Chorus Solo: Pickups here are all we drive, a dog ridin’ in the back.
Mayor: {To Jim} Combines in town knock you off the road
Jim: {Defiant} It was a truck with a cattle rack.
Councilman Hansen: {Splitting up the argument} Welcome to small town USA.
Everyone: Welcome to small town USA.
Jim Stout: A mayor elected by just ten votes.
Male Chorus Solo: Cows, and sheep and billy goats.
All: Welcome to small town USA
Female Chorus Solo: You can not have a secret ev’n if you wanted to, cause even simplest doings are likely headline news.
Mary James: Dial wrong numbers on the phone, you know them anyway.
Jenny: Talk so long you forget your call or what you even meant to say.
Mrs. Brown: Welcome to small town USA.
Everyone: Welcome to small town USA.
Female Chorus Solo: First new baby of the year was born in the middle of June I hear
All: Welcome to small town USA
Basses: Welcome
Tenors: Welcome
Altos: Welcome
Sopranos: Welcome
Everyone: {with music}: Welcome to small town USA
{All the town people except the Mayor and Bob fade off.}
Sally: Mother, you should see what I saw. Every pickup that went by had a dog in the back and there was this guy driving down the road with a pickup truck and his dog was standing on the spare tire in the back with his paws up on the cab and his ears just a flapping in the wind. It was so funny.
Bob: Pickups are about all anyone drives and everyone knows dogs love pickup trucks.
Mayor: My dog thinks my only job in life is to be his personal chauffeur.
Bob: Sounds like a good job for you.
Mayor: Come on. Let’s go give them dogs a ride.
{They begin to wander off.}
Sally: So where do you think we are?
Ben: This is Smithville. Smithville, Wyoming.
Shauna: Smithville! {She sits down in shock.} Smithville! It can’t be.
Susan and Sally together: Are you ok mother?
Shauna: We can’t be in Smithville.
Susan: Smithville? That would be the town where Dad grew up.
Sally: Do we have any relatives here?
Susan: I don’t thinks so. You’ve heard the story. Dad was an only child as was his father before him. Dad’s parents were killed in a tragic fire. He lived with his grandfather until his grandfather died.
Shauna: That’s when your dad went off to college and met me.
Sally: But if we have no relatives here why is it called Smithville like our last name?
Shauna: I think it has something to do with your great-grandfather being the first to settle here in the late 1800’s.
Sally: Why haven’t we ever come to visit?
Susan: Yes, Mother. Why haven’t we ever been here before?
Shauna: {Disgusted.} Look for yourself. Why, this town doesn’t even have a stop light.
Ben: Why do we need a stoplight? We hardly see any traffic.
Shauna: The question is, do you even have a hotel?
Ben: Of course we’ve got a hotel. It was even remodeled last year with more work planned.
Susan: This town has enough business to have it remodeled?
Ben: Well, I don’t know about that, but we felt it ought to have running water and electricity.
Sally: You mean the hotel only got running water and electricity last year?
Ben: Yip. But it’s always had swimming.
Sally: All right, a pool?
Ben: I didn’t say a pool. I said swimming. {They look at him in surprise but he doesn’t explain but grumbles under his breath.} Tourists. Give them swimming and they want a pool. Next thing you know they’ll think they need indoor toilets. {Grabbing some suit cases as Shauna, Sally, and Susan look shocked at his last statement.} Come on, Mrs. Smith, I’ve already got you a hotel room. Tom can stay with me in my cabin.
Shauna: {Sarcastically.} Well, that’s very nice.
Ben: Come on Tom, I’ll help you carry the bags to the hotel.
{They pick up the bags. Tom signals which bag is his and they leave it and go off upstage left. Even as old as Ben acts he seems a bit spry. The girls help their mother to their feet. As she starts to follow Ben and Tom, Susan stops her.}
Susan: Mother, wait a minute.
Shauna: Oh, Susan. Not now. I can’t wait to put my feet up.
Susan: But, mother. Don’t you think that was a bit strange?
Shauna: What?
Susan: How did he know that you’re Mrs. Smith?
Shauna: I don’t know? Maybe he guessed. You do look a bit like your father.
Susan: Then how did he know Tom’s name?
Shauna: How am I supposed to know? Maybe he overheard us call him Tom. Anyway, Susan I am really tired. Can’t we get to the hotel?
{Ben and Tom come back on from stage left.}
Ben: We put your bags in your hotel room. Here’s your key. {Shauna takes the key.}
Shauna: Thank you, uh, I don’t think I caught your name.
Ben: {Pausing and stammering as if trying to make up something.} Uh, my name. My name is uh, Ben. Ben Smith.
Shauna: Your last name is Smith too. Any relation.
Ben: Just might be. {The ladies exit stage left. Susan stops and takes a questioning look at Ben, then follows the other ladies off.} So, Tom, tell me a bit about yourself.
Tom: Well, I… Wait a minute. How do you know my name?
Ben: Oh, I know a lot of things. So, how did you get engaged to Susan? You two seem worlds apart.
Tom: Well I … Wait a minute. How did you know I was engaged to Susan. And how did you know her name?
Ben: Just call me psychic. Now, how about my question?
Tom: If you’re so psychic why don’t you already know the answer?
Ben: Let’s just say my crystal ball has never been able to pick up things about women? I’m not sure I’d understand them anyway. Let me give you a little free advise for your wedding. Don’t ever try to understand women.
Song – “I Don’t Understand Women”
Ben: I don’t understand women. In the least little way.
They drive me crazy with what they do and say.
I don’t understand women. Heaven knows I always try.
I’m sure I’ll never understand them until the day I die.
All Men: I don’t understand women. They just baffle and confuse me.
Mayor: With their logic they always lose me.
Bob Hansen: {Could be spoken.} Do they have logic at all.
{This next part is spoken as the music continues to play quietly underneath.}
Ben: As I understand it, the good Lord made them that way to keep men guessing. I mean, take one day you’ll go out and buy a women a blender or something to make life easier and she’ll say that you just buy things for her to work and nothing for her. I mean she acts like you bought her a lawn mower or something.
Mayor: Yeah. Take my wife for instance. I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she said “Surprise me!” So I bought her a new trollin motor for my fishin’ boat. Boy was she surprised. But she wouldn’t speak to me for a week.
Bob: She wouldn’t?
Mayor: A whole week.
Bob: Maybe I ought to get a trollin’ motor for my wife.
Jim: But you don’t own a boat?
Bob: {As if ignoring him.} A whole week?
Mayor: A whole week.
All Men: We don’t understand women. In the least little way.
They drive us crazy with what they do and say.
We don’t understand women. Heaven knows we always try.
We’re sure we’ll never understand them until the day we die.
We don’t understand women. They just baffle and confuse us.
Mayor: With their logic they always lose us.
Bob Hansen: {Could be spoken.} Do they have logic at all.
Bob: One night I came in and my wife was cryin’. Not peelin’ onions or nothin’ just cryin’. I ask her what was wrong, but she couldn’t tell me. I thought it must have been something I had done. I thought and thought. “Honey”, I said, “is it because I bought you that size 20 dress when you only wear a size 12?”. “No”, she said. “Well”, I said, “was it because I spent $250 on a new shotgun?” “No” she said. Well there I sat confessing all my sins but to no avail. Finally I said, “Honey, just why are you crying?”, “I don’t know”, she said, “but this has sure been interesting.”
All Men:
We don’t understand women. They just baffle and confuse us.
Mayor: With their logic they always lose us.
Bob Hansen: {Could be spoken.} Do they have logic at all.
Tom: So what do you do?
Ben: You just love them.
Tom: Just love them?
Mayor: Yip. But don’t try to understand them. It just don’t do no good.
{The next part of the song is slowed down quite a bit.}
All Men:
Though we don’t understand women. We are so very grateful for them.
Jed Coppinger: Life would be so boring without them
Fred Jensen: Boy that is no lie.
All Men: Though we don’t understand women. Thank heaven they’re like they are.
Bob: {To the mayor as they wander off.} Let’s go check out this new trollin’ motor of yours.
Mayor: We can’t fish until tomorrow, you know.
Bob: Who said anything about fishing. We’re not going fishin’ were just drowning worms. {He laughs slyly as all but Tom and Ben exit.}
{The other men wander off as Ben and Tom continue.}
Ben: So how did you two meet?
Tom: We met in a calculus class. Susan needed some help so I became her tutor.
Ben: You know her father is very rich.
Tom: I know, and I wish he wasn’t.
Ben: {Surprised.} You wish he wasn’t?
Tom: It seems that everyone expects me to be part of the family business.
Ben: What’s wrong with that?
Tom: I’m an architect. I’m not a business man.
Ben: Perhaps you could build hotels or restaurants. That is what the family business is.
Tom: I want more than that. I’m not a carpenter. I want to make a difference in life. I want to work to renovate beautiful architecture and design new ones of my own. It’s as if to marry Susan I have to give up my dream.
Ben: Wouldn’t you like to be part of the family fortune?
Tom: Not if I have to give up my life for it.
Ben: Then why are you marrying Susan?
Tom: {Almost getting a bit disgusted.} You know Ben, some people do marry because they love each other. I love Susan. I just feel I have to give up my dream to marry her.
Ben: I’m sorry, Tom. I didn’t mean to offend you. I understand more than you may know. I too had a dream once and let life get in the way.
Tom: Oh really.
Ben: Yes, but I am trying to correct it now. I think we ought to get your stuff over to my house. Then I want to bring you back and show you something.
{They exit off upstage right. Susan and Sally come in from down stage left.}
Susan: This is the perfect opportunity.
Sally: What are we doing?
Susan: While mother is resting we are going to find out more about that old man, Ben. There is something strange about him.
Sally: What do you mean?
Susan: He looks familiar and he knows too much about us. And you know what else I just thought of?
Sally: What?
Susan: It’s as if he knew we were coming. I mean, he even had us a hotel room.
Sally: That’s right!
Susan: Something suspicious is going on and it’s up to us to find out what.
Sally: Well, where do we start?
Susan: I don’t know?
Sally: You know what else I would like to do?
Susan: What?
Sally: I would like to find something about Dad’s life here. You know books, pictures, or people who knew him.
Susan: That’s it. We’ll go to the library. We can see if there is anything about Dad’s family and ask the librarian about Ben.
Sally: Oh, this is so exciting! It’s like being private investigators.
Susan: {Pointing off stage left.} There’s the library and city hall all in the same building. Come on.
{They run off upstage left. Ben and Tom come on from upstage right.}
Tom: So what is so important that you want to show me?
Ben: {Pointing to the old buildings on the back drop.} These.
Tom: These what?
Ben: These buildings. Ever since I was young I have loved these old buildings.
Tom: {Examining the buildings suddenly gets excited.} You know I must have been too tired to notice these before. These have a strictly western architecture that mimicked the Baroque. It was developed in certain fast growing western towns. Most of the towns ended up growing so fast that the buildings of this type were torn down and replaced with sky scrapers. I have only seen these type of buildings in books. This is wonderful. {Pausing to catch his breath a moment.} Why do you think they were built here?
Ben: When I was younger this was a booming town. But the lumber mill closed, the mines ran out, all farms began to be big operations instead of small family owned acreages and the population began to decline. Most of these buildings are empty and there has even been talk of having them torn down.
Tom: They can’t do that! These could be a few of the remaining buildings of this type of architecture. They should be designated historic land marks.
Ben: Would you be willing to go to the city council tonight and talk about it?
Tom: Gladly. I will need to make some notes and I need to do some sketches.
Ben: You get the material you need and I will visit with the mayor and city council to set up our visit for tonight.
{Tom goes off upstage right and Ben starts to go off upstage left. He runs into Susan and Sally. Sally is carrying a large book which she quickly hides behind her. They smile and wave then Ben goes off stage and the girls come on to down stage center.}
Susan: I find it strange that the librarian didn’t know Ben.
Sally: I don’t know everyone who lives in L.A.
Susan: L.A. doesn’t have a population of 1057.
Sally: The mayor knew him.
Susan: Yes, but he wouldn’t say too much.
Sally: That mayor is a bit of a grouch isn’t he?
Susan: He wouldn’t get my vote if that’s what you mean.
Sally: {Starting to thumb through the book.} Do you think this book on the history of the town will have Dad in it?
Susan: {As if deep in thought.} I just want to know how he knows so much about us. He just…
Sally: Oh, look, here is a picture of Ben. His real name is Benjamin Alfred Smith.
Susan: With Dad’s name being Richard Benjamin Smith he must be some relation. Let me see that.
{Sally hands Susan the book. Susan reads the book a few seconds and then screams and drops the book. Ben comes in from upstage. Behind the girls and listens. He can move back off stage as if hiding and stick his head out now and then.}
Sally: What is it?
Susan: That picture.
Sally: {Picking up the book.} Yeah, it’s Ben.
Susan: Read the full caption.
Sally: “Benjamin Alfred Smith. Founder and first mayor of the town of Smithville. This picture was taken about 1947, a few years before his death.”
{She screams and drops the book. They look at each other and then pick up the book, carefully looking at it again.}
Susan: You know what that means?
Sally: It means Ben’s a ghost.
Susan: It also means he’s Dad’s grandfather and our great-grandfather.
Sally: Do you think that is why he knows so much about us?
Susan: No doubt about it.
Sally: But he doesn’t look like a ghost.
Susan: Not all ghosts are white and scary. I’ve heard of ghosts coming back and looking human. And that would explain why the librarian didn’t know him, but the mayor did. He probably is only se
Coming Home (The Musical)
Author: Daris Howard Daris Howard is an author and playwright who grew up on a farm in rural Idaho. He associated with many colorful characters including cowboys, farmers, lumberjacks and others.Daris and his wife, Donna, have ten children and were foster parents for several years. He has also worked in scouting and cub scouts, at one time having 18 boys in his scout troop.
His plays, musicals, and books build on the characters of those he has associated with, along with his many experiences, to bring his work to life.
He and his family have enjoyed running a summer community theatre where he gets a chance to premiere his theatrical works and rework them to make them better. His published plays and books can be seen at http://www.darishoward.com. He has plays translated into German and French and his work has been done in many countries around the world.
In the last few years, Daris has started writing books and short stories. He writes a popular news column called Life’s Outtakes, that consists of weekly short stories and is published in various newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and Canada and has won many awards for his writing. Author: Donna HowardDonna Howard has a bachelor of music in clarinet performance and music composition from Brigham Young University – Idaho. She has a master’s degree in music composition from Stephen F. Austin State University. Donna loves the performance arena of music. She loves to play in jazz bands, dance bands, orchestras, and musicals. Also trained under Wilson Brown, she learned many of the techniques of high quality performance and music.
Pursuing her degree in music, she also found great interest in the theory of music. Using these skills and working together, Donna and Daris were able to go through the songs written for the musical and refine them, making the finished product much better.
In the musical Lilacs in the Valley, her arranging style can be felt in songs like “It Ain’t Much But It’s Home” and “Walkin’ Along”.
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