The Curse of the Prom
The Curse of the Prom – Script
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Price: $8.00

The Curse of the Prom

A group of misfit, trouble-making high school students find themselves in hot water for yet another school prank.

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The Curse of the Prom

A group of misfit, trouble-making high school students find themselves in hot water for yet another school prank. The school has declared that the senior prom that was scheduled to be held outside the school has been canceled.

Author:    Anthony Giodano


       A group of misfit, trouble-making high school students find themselves in hot water for yet another school prank. The school has declared that the senior prom that was scheduled to be held outside the school has been canceled. In order for there to be any prom at all, the misfits must decorate the school gym, for generations the site of the school’s proms, in time to host the dance.
       When seniors Alex, Butch, James, and Karen arrive early to school to check on their previous night’s work, they discover that Marlo, a suspected principal’s spy, is dead under the feature decoration, a sphinx.
       While the police immediately label it an accident, the four seniors begin to suspect that, in fact, it was murder. The only possible suspects seem to be among themselves.
       The play takes a shift when Marlo, the dead senior, appears as a ghost (dressed exactly like when she died except now she is in all white as are all the ghosts as a means of easily identifying them from the living) and realizes that the gym is crowded with other ghosts all of who have died in some mysterious way in that very room over the years.
       Though the ghosts can influence the living in only limited ways (noises or the like), they do not have the ability to speak to the living.
       Marlo, finding out from the other ghosts that the reason she is still in the gym is that the mystery of her death has not been solved, is determined to discover the cause of her death.
       These two parallel plots, the living trying to find out if one of their own is a murderer and the ghosts trying to solve the mystery of their individual deaths, provide a look into high school life through the years. 
       Aided by the computer hacking skills of Alex, the living systematically go through the possible motives of the seniors while testing the forensic evidence found at the scene.
       Meanwhile, Marlo and the assorted ghosts, some of whom have a distant connection to this incident, attempt to solve the mystery of their deaths so that they can be freed from the confines of the high school gym.
       Eventually, the mystery of Marlo’s death is solved and the guilty party is punished.

The Curse of the Prom

The Curse Of The Prom


Anthony Giordano THE CURSE OF THE PROM

 Copyright 1999 

by Anthony Giordano 

All Rights Reserved

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The Curse Of The Prom

Scene 1

The Set:  A school auditorium/gym that is being decorated for a prom. This is the “old” gym that had been used as a combination gym and auditorium. We see a stage at the right end and there are windows on the back wall that allow light in but are too high to see through from gym floor. This is the first time this room has been used in years.

Curtain goes up: In the dark we hear a loud whistle. As the lights come up we see one student on the stage and MISS JOHNSON, a gym teacher in her sixties, who is a bit eccentric and appears to be partially deaf, she is out of shape but moves quickly…

The students is ALEX, a computer hack.

The stage is decorated with a large pyramid that is going to be suspended from the ceiling for the theme of the prom—The Enchanted Nile– It will be suspended from the rope that had been  used for climbing in gym class. We see the rope hanging from above with the one end tied off stage. The rope is cut. A small piece is still attached to the top of the pyramid. This pyramid is made of “scrim” material. The students’ original plan was that the pyramid would be filled with balloons which would be dropped at eleven p.m.. Once the balloons were released from the ceiling , the pyramid would  descend to cover the sphinx that is to be the center piece of the floor decorations. A light inside the scrim will allow the sphinx to be seen. This becomes the center piece of the dance floor.

There is an overturned ladder in front of it and assorted brooms, tables, decorations, fake palm trees, etc. are  lying around the room. There is a throne for the prom queen at the back


(Blowing whistle) OK, everybody listen up. We’ve got exactly twelve hours to get this place in shape for the prom and I aim to be finished on time with the most romantic display that Hillsdale has seen since…..(waxing nostalgic)since the class of ‘44 did Enchanted Paris—with real punch flowing from the top of a giant Eiffel Tower—and dainty paper napkins with French sayings printed on them— and who could forget the food the home ec class prepared—little sandwiches made out of colored bread—I wore a pink taffeta dress that was the exact color of the egg salad sandwiches–that was romance my boy, that was romance—why,  back then….


Excuse me, Miss Johnson, I would love to hear all about it for the hundredth time, but I think we should get to work.


What? Speak up boy. How can a person understand what you’re saying if you don’t speak up? (She slaps him on the back.) Go ahead boy, talk!


(Shouting) I think we should get started. It’s 8:37


Well, where’s the rest of the committee?  I thought I told them to be here by 8:30 and it’s 8:30 now.


It’s 8:38 and I think they’re late.

(Enter BUTCH dribbling a basketball, wearing a leather jacket)


Young man, put that ball down. We have work to do.

(Butch dribbles the ball in front of her and she takes it away with a flourish.)


Let’s hope your decorating is better than your ball handling—it’s got to  be better than your grade in gym. Coach Henson tells me you’re in danger of not graduating?


Let’s just say that I like to play it close to the edge.


Let’s just say that your might get a big fat push over that edge if you don’t turn in that paper you owe the coach.

Now, let’s get to work. It’ll be in my office listening to everything that goes on so watch it.

When the others show up, let them know that I marked them late…by the way, I’ll be here all day…all the gym classes are reporting to the auditorium for a health film: “You and Head Lice.”

(She exits)


Is it illegal to kill teachers? I mean we kill roaches, don’t we?


I think they’re a higher life form, but I’m not sure.


Say, Alex, old buddy, why don’t you just slip into the school’s computer for me and kind of massage my second marking period grades a bit?


Oh, no. the last time I did that my parents locked up my modem for a month. Nothing doing. I almost died. Do you know what it’s like to sit at a computer and not be able to communicate with anyone?


What’s a modem?


Come into the 21st century!


Oh, but this won’t be like the last time. Didn’t you change all the kids schedules so we all had lunch for three periods?


Yeah, I thought Mr. Hamilton would never notice. Who knew he ever left the principal’s office?


Come on. Just one little change.


No dice.

(Enter KAREN)


Don’t listen to him Alex. Whatever it is, don’t listen to him.


Well, if it isn’t Miss Runner-up. Too bad the Prom Queen ballots weren’t computerized or you would have been the one asking Alex for help.


Not a chance. I play it fair and square.


Rough and tumble is more like it. Rumor has it that you had it out with Marlo after school yesterday.


What I had to say to Marlo yesterday was between her and me.


And the entire second floor from what I hear. Do the words: “I’ll see you dead before I’m one of your attendants at the prom!” ring a bell?


Not exactly. But pretty close. She made me so made. I know she somehow cheated in that election. Only, I can’t prove it. I wanted her to know that I had her number. Anyway, I would think that you would be happy to see her get some grief….she certainly gave you enough.


What’s that crack suppose to mean?


Everyone in school knows that you’ve been chasing her for the last four years only she wouldn’t give you a tumble.


For your information, we did have a date this summer. I decided that she wasn’t my type after all.


Oh, does she have a brain? Anyway, that was yesterday. We’d better get started decorating this  awful place. How long has this place been locked up?


At least fifteen years, that’s when the new gym and auditorium were built and this was closed. It was suppose to be turned into something else, but that never seemed to happen.


I hear this was the combination, gym and auditorium from the original building in the 1920’s. I think that’s why they wanted us to get involved with this scheme. They want us to fall victim to the curse.


You don’t believe in that nonsense, do you?


You can’t believe that proms held in this gym were cursed?

(Enter JAMES  from the back, knocking over some pails, tripping,  and making a racket as he enters. The others can’t see him. They jump and scream at the loud noise.)


(lying on the ground)

Did I get marked late?


(acting nonchalant) Is Shakespeare boring?


That’s three times this week! Now I’ve got central.


You know, there was a time when the “old James” wouldn’t have cared about being late for a month.


What do you mean the “old James”?


You know, the James I knew freshman, sophomore and junior year. The guy who drew that not so flattering mural of the principal on the movie screen at Parent’s Night freshman year. 

The guy who sophomore year switched the Planned Parenthood guest speaker’s film to Nation Geographic visits the Vatican? 

The guy who junior year….


Oh, that “old James.” Well, he’s gone. The “new James” is keeping his nose clean and praying he gets into Harvard


Harvard? What happened to leaving right after the  graduation ceremony for the art life of New York City?


I thought it was Paris you were going to?


New York City, Paris…a kid’s dream. I’ve decided to become a doctor. I’ve applied for the pre-med. program at Harvard. I think I have a good shot at it if they kind of forget some of my little jokes the first three years here.


And last week?


Oh, a minor slip . Anyway, my recommendations from the faculty were in a month ago, so last week doesn’t count.


I hope you get in James. I never understood you wanting to starve as an artist. I say go for the bucks. Now, let’s get started.


Who took the pyramid down?


I thought you guys must have.


Alex, put that book down, you were here first. What’s the story with the pyramid? Why is it down?


I don’t know. It was that way when I came in.

(nter MISS JOHNSON blowing her whistle)


Hup, two, three four. Attention!

Well, doesn’t look like we got much work done, does it?

One, two, three, four, where are the other three?


I’m sure Marlo has a good explanation, Miss Johnson


Jane just stepped out to her locker to get some tape.


And what about Daisy Johnson?




(louder) Daisy Johnson? Are all young people deaf?


I don’t think Mr. Hamilton assigned any Daisy Jones to this committee?


Mr. Hamilton signed you derelicts up for this job because you are the reason the class can’t have their prom in a restaurant. The things that this class has pulled—I wouldn’t have a prom at all…and I guess that’s what Mr. Hamilton thinks will happen…that you guys won’t be able to get this done in time for any kind of a dance tonight, let alone a prom, and that no one will show up even if you do.

As for Miss Daisy Jones.

She signed up (Miss Johnson shows them the sign up sheet and pronounces the word slowly ) vol..un..teered. That’s a new word for you Butch. It means someone who does something that is good for the school willingly.

Think about it. It’s a radical new concept.

Still, even volunteers shouldn’t be late.

I’ll just go make sure she’s not hiding out someplace. (She blows whistle) Carry on!

(Miss Johnson exits)


Any of you ever heard of Daisy Jones?


Not me. And I thought I knew every girl in the school.


Not the “good” girls.


Very funny.

And why wasn’t she here after school yesterday when we were struggling to get the pyramid hung. Not that it seems to have done us any good to put it up.


Say, Alex, what’s with the nice words for the prom queen?


I know you guys don’t like her. But she’s not so bad. Sorry, Karen, but that’s how I feel.  Here attitude is just a defense mechanism.


Please spare us the psychology stuff. You’re talking to three people who spent more time in the school psychologist’s office than the school psychologist.


Perhaps, if you gave the psychologist half a chance he might have been able to help you.


What kind of crack is that? So, you little nerd with a clipboard, you think I’m crazy?

KAREN (stepping between them)

Let’s all count to ten.


See what I mean? You think you can just bully your way through life.


Move out of the way Karen.


Life isn’t always that simple. You can’t always fix things yourself.


Lighten up Alex.


No, we have to learn to face things. We’re graduating from high school in two weeks. If we can’t even talk like civilized humans how can we ever manage to survive in the real world.


So, now I’m not human. Get out of the way Karen! Now!

(Enter DAISY JONES.  She is South American with a heavy accent. She’s wearing a cleaning lady type outfit, with a bandanna on her head, wearing bright colored rubber gloves and carrying a mop and pail. She peers  into the gym from the door.)


Ola! Yo soy Daisy Jones!

Excuse please. I espeak English now.

Such a beautiful gym, no?




Yes, she is beautiful. It will be wonderful for the prom, no?




Yes, we–(She says with a flourish)–The Prom Committee—will make it so, no?




Yes, espeakin English is hard, decorating is not.


Pardon me if I seem a bit uncivilized, but are you for real?


Butch! Hi, I’m Karen and you’re Daisy Jones?




Yo soy James. Might as well practice Spanish. I may have Spanish patients some day.


You’re right, Alex.  We all do need psychological help.


You must forgive me for being late. I had to find where they keep the mop.

(Enter BOB, James’ brother, in a wheelchair. He is energetic and upbeat.)


I should have known nothing would get done.


What are you doing here?


Just thought I’d wheel in and check on you guys and not a moment too soon.


What’s up Bob?


Not much from the look of this place. Say is this a new member of the bad guys of Hillsdale High?


Hi! I’m Daisy.


Hi. How did you get mixed up with this crew? Are you an ax murderer or an environmental terrorist?


No, I’m a volunteer!


No! Someone actually signed up to help? You haven’t been in the country very long have you?


Yes, two wonderful weeks.


Two whole weeks and you still volunteered! Have you any idea what kind of people are you working with?


Nice clean cut American boys and girls.

(The following is done on a dark stage with a single spot light on the person being described. Done like a line up, actors facing sideways)


You think so? 

(Spot on Butch)

Well, meet Butch. Last month he paid a surprise visit to the driver ed class. Unfortunately for Mr. Henderson he was on his new Honda motorcycle a the time.

(Spot on James)

Meet James, my older brother, the black sheep of the family, being ever thoughtful he sent the principal a gift for his birthday last week. Unfortunately the principal was at a board of education meeting at the time it arrived and it was six live chickens.

(Spot on Alex)

You heard, no doubt of the sudden unexplained tearing down of the Berlin Wall? Rumor has it that Alex as only a third grader slipped into the Kremlin road maintenance computer and simply put in a work order for its removal.

(Spot on Karen)

And last, but not least, we have Karen who volunteered to head the senior prom fund raising committee. Traditionally we have had candy sales…she thought a gambling casino night would be better and was $6000 in the black when the police arrived…she was forced to donate the money to Gambler’s Anonymous.

 (Lights up)

They, my new friend, are the reason the real prom was canceled and they have to come up with a decorated gym by tonight and hope that people show up to a spontaneous prom.


In my country they are saints. What about Marlo? I she one of the bad guys of Hillsdale High?


No, she just wants to make sure that as queen of the prom she has a nice palace.

Just what country are you from?


(Being evasive) Isn’t that a beautiful palm tree? You like it no?




Hey, you’d better get back to class.


Big brothers can be such a drag!

Are you going to the prom tonight?


Yes, it is my dream since coming from my country. Only, I have to come as you say like a deer.


I think you mean stag.

I sure wish I could see what this place looks like when it’s all done.


You are not coming? Is not the whole school invited?


No, only seniors can come or people who are invited by seniors.


Oh, too bad.

(We hear a bell)


Bob, that was the late bell for period three.


Ok, Ok, Catch you guys later.

(He starts out)


Oh, I think of something. (Bob turns back towards her) This is America, no.




In America it is possible for a girl to ask a boy to dance?





(Bob starts to leave again.)

People don’t think such a girl is speedy?


(Bob turns back towards her again) I think you mean fast. No. It’s done all the time.


Oh, (she turns her back to him. He starts to leave for the third time.)

Then you will go with me.


(With his back still to her)

I’d like that.


Bob, it’s gonna be goofy. These cheap decorations, a prom in a gym, who wants to go to that kind of prom?


You’re going aren’t you?


Yeah, but only because I’m forced to be on the committee. I wouldn’t be going otherwise. I swear.


Look, I know what you’re trying to do, James and I appreciate it.


What are you talking about? I’m not trying to do anything. All I’m saying is that it’s gonna be a waste of time. Look, when I get home we’ll rent an Eddie Murphy movie…you love him.


Yes, but I don’t want to take him to the prom. Bob, you’ve got to let go. For the last nine months, ever since the accident and I became a prisoner to this chair, you been smothering me.  You’re trying to avoid my knowing that I’ll may never walk again.


Don’t say that. There are new medical techniques all the time. Someday someone will figure it out and you’ll be fine.


Yeah, I think that too…Someday I will walk again….but today I’m in the chair and today I want to live not just sit.


You  got it all wrong. I just think it’s going to  be goofy. That’s all.


Well, big brother, I’m coming, if you’ll give me a ride?


Yeah, sure.


I will meet you here. I have to come early to set up the refreshments. I am also on the  program committee and the music committee and the clean up committee.

I hope the American boys and girls like arroz con pollo.


They love it. When we think prom, we think arroz con pollo.

See you at nine?


I’ll be here with ringers on.


I think that’s bells on, but I get the idea.

Hey Butch it’s good to see you looking better. You looked pretty bad when they carried you our of the nurse’s office yesterday.

Everything OK?


Yeah, yeah, sure. Just a bug I probably got. I ate the school lunch yesterday…enough said?


Enough said. Well, I’ve got to wheel. See you guys tonight.


Bye Bob.

(For no apparent reason the pails that James knocked over make noise again. They all jump.)


What was that? This place has ghosts!


Probably just a rat.


I hate rats more than ghosts!


Hey Bob, if you see Miss Johnson on you way, run her over for me.


Will do

(Enter Miss Johnson)


Speak of the devil…I’m out of here!

(very loud) Good Morning, Miss Johnson!

(Bob exits)


Nice boy, speaks up. I love that in kids.

What have you people accomplished since I left. Nothing?

You haven’t even gotten that pyramid up yet.

And where are Jane and Marlo?


Jane had to go and get more masking tape from shop class. She’ll be right back.


Marlo had a meeting with the debate club. Why don’t you come and take a closer look at the pyramid. You’re going to love this idea we had. James is going to make a paper mache sphinx that will be the center piece of the dance floor. This pyramid will be raised to the ceiling and filled with  balloons. At eleven o’clock the balloons will be released and the pyramid will descend to cover the sphinx. But here’s the catch, there’s a battery operated light inside and when we turn that light on the pyramid becomes transparent and you can see inside. Watch.

(Alex switches on the light and the inside of the pyramid is visible, exposing the dead body of Marlo)


It’s Marlo! Quick get this off her.


She’s dead.


The curse of the prom strikes again.


Scene 2

 Lights up, but now we see the ghosts of the past. They dress in all white.  Marlo is lying over a dummy dressed exactly the same as Marlo was in Scene 1. Now Marlo’s outfit is all white.  She gets off the dummy appearing to be coming out of her body and wanders around bewildered.


If I’m lying there….I remember being on the ladder….then the fall….I must be dead. The curse of the prom!

(We see lightening flashes, hear thunder crack and then loud piercing screams from offstage. Enter BUTCH’S GREAT UNCLE (he can enter on a Harley Davidson if budget allows!)   


Cut that out Johnny. Sorry about that, Johnny was on the lighting crew when he went. Still can’t stop doing the special effects stuff. 


Butch? What’s going on here?


No, I’m Jack. Class of 1956,  Butch’s great uncle. It’s just that when you die you stop aging.


You’re dead too?


Yes, geez for a good looking chick, you’re kind of slow.

HAZEL (speaking from above the stage)

Hold on there Jack. I’ll be right down.


Who’s that?


That’s Hazel, Class of 1932,  Likes to think she runs the place. Use to be on the AV Squad, but to tell the truth I don’t think there was AV in her day, if you get my drift.


Good Afternoon. If I had known you were coming, I would have been ready earlier.

Now, here’s a badge for you to wear (she puts a name tag on Marlo). I’ll introduce you to everyone. We didn’t think you’d be coming, thought you’d go straight up. Sorry to hear you were murdered.



(Thunder and lightening again)


Cut it out Johnny. 

Yes,  at least we think so, as far as we can figure out. We are all here in kind of a holding pattern until we find out why we died. There is some unfinished business, usually a murder. 


So the curse of the prom is true?


No, there is no such thing as the curse of the prom!


(The Glee Club makes an elongated sound. Similar to wind sound.)


Cut that out Johnny!


That’s not Johnny. It’s the glee club, Class of 1922

(We see the scrim that was in front of the glee club lighted and hear them sing parts of the Whffenpoof song with words slightly changed…)


To the tables down at Mory’s,

To the place where Louis dwel

The Curse of the Prom

Author: Anthony Giordano

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