Debt and Deliverance – Angels Among Us- Peformance Royalty
Debt and Deliverance – Angels Among Us – Peformance Royalty – One needed for each performance.
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Debt and Deliverance – Angels Among Us

World War II, and a strange man in town no one likes make for an incredible tale of understanding.

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Debt and Deliverance – Angels Among UsDebt and Deliverance – Angels Among Us – Script
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Debt and Deliverance – Angels Among Us

Andrew and his friends are rebellious teenagers. But Andrew’s curiosity about an old pocket watch with a bullet hole in it makes him look deeper into why an old man is like he is, and in turns changes Andrew’s life.

Author:    Daris Howard


    Andrew Sineaman is being honored by his country, Austria, for his courage in saving the lives of many people during Germany’s occupation of the country. However, he feels he does not deserve this honor. The reason he doesn’t is because he feels his life was purchased by someone else. 

Debt and Deliverance – Angels Among Us

Debt And Deliverance
(Angels Among Us)
Daris Howard


Old Andrew – Man of 70’s to 80’s.
Elise – Old Andrew’s wife about 10 years his junior.
Janet Ridell  – Young news reporter
Andrew – Teenage boy
Seth – Teenage boy
Thomas – Teenage boy
Karl – Teenage boy
Torrance Edleton – Old man in 70’s to 80’s, walks with a limp and a cane from pain in his back.
Policeman – Any appropriate age.
Mrs. Boticelli – An old lady, probably in her 80’s.
Nazi Officer – Any appropriate age.
Nazi Soldier(s) – Any appropriate age. Debt and Deliverance

Act I

Act I Scene 1
{The opening scene is a living room of a home.  It can be set in a small area on a side stage.  It only needs a chairs and perhaps a couch.  A painting of a woman holding a young boy is prominently displayed though it looks as if it is not quite finished.  A knock is heard, and soon, Elise, an older, but beautiful woman, brings Janet, a young news reporter, into the room.  Old Andrew, an elderly gentleman, is sitting there reading the Bible.}

Elise: Honey, there is someone here to see you.

{Old Andrew rises, and Elise exits.  Janet extends her hand to Old Andrew.}

Janet: Mr. Sineaman, I am Janet Ridell.  I am from the Herald.

Old Andrew: {Shaking her hand} I assumed as much.

Janet: I appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to see me today, Mr. Sineaman.  The Gazette secretary said she has had a hard time setting an appointment with you.

Old Andrew: I admit that I was not all that anxious for your visit.

Janet: For a man from our small community to receive the National Award of Noble Citizenship is a great honor.  Of course we would have to do a story.

Old Andrew: That is the problem.  I don’t feel I deserve this recognition.

Janet: Now, now, Mr. Sineaman, you are far too modest.  I’ve read much about you.  I’ve heard people call you the teenage Schindler, for your work trying to save people from the Germans.

Old Andrew: I feel that, at times, the media have made some things out to be almost fairy tale in proportion.

Janet: If what I read is true, there doesn’t need to be much exaggeration.

Old Andrew: That is exactly the attitude I am concerned about.

Janet: Well, did you, or didn’t you, help save people from the Germans during the occupation?

Old Andrew: I did what I could, but so did many others.

Janet: But very few who were teens stood up to them with such courage.

Old Andrew: I didn’t always have courage.

Janet: And I read that, finally, the Germans put you in prison.

Old Andrew: As they did many others.

Janet: And then, once you were incarcerated, you organized the prisoners into a resistance.

Old Andrew: Actually, that is where I would say your story breaks down completely.  We were not resisting.  We were in prison, and there was nothing we could do for resistance.

Janet: But I have interviewed people, even those who were much older than you, who credited you for their survival, as well as that of many others.

Old Andrew: What we did wasn’t what you would call resistance.  You might call it more of a relief and survival organization.  We tried to be sure everyone shared equally what little we had.  We administered aid to the sick and the wounded.  But more than anything, we tried to lift the spirits of those in the camp to bring some small hope to our hopeless situation.

Janet: Did any of the adults feel any animosity for a teen being their leader?

Old Andrew: I didn’t view myself as the leader.  I just did what I could, and others joined me and did the same.

Janet: Was it true that you were accused of subversion and scheduled to be executed, but were saved by the liberation of the camp?

Old Andrew: That is about half true.  I was accused of subversion, though the only subversion I was guilty of in the camp was helping others.  My execution was scuttled a few times by some German guards who were sympathetic.  The prolonged delay gave time for the liberation.

Janet: Speaking of the guards, that brings me to something I don’t understand.  I read some criticism of you from those who wanted the guards killed when the camp was liberated, and yet you stood in their defense.

Old Andrew: For us to kill them in revenge was no more justified than their mistreatment of us.  And not all of them were bad.  Some of them did what they could to ease our suffering.  We could not lump them all together as evil.  They deserved a fair trial.

Janet: Even those I have interviewed who disagreed with you respected you for your courage.

Old Andrew: It wasn’t courage.  It was something I needed to do.

Janet: Why?  Why would you defend the rights of someone who had abused you?

Old Andrew: {Hangs head and speaks quietly}  I don’t know if there is anyway you would understand.

Janet: I might if you would tell me.  Even though you are known far and wide for the good work you do, no one seems to know much about your beginnings.  Everyone knows you are the friend of the friendless and the helping hand of the weary and downtrodden.  But how did you become as you are?  It’s your story that I want to tell.

Old Andrew: It has been too hard to talk about.  It hasn’t always been that I stood up for those who needed a friend.  In fact, I was once the very opposite of what you think of me now, perhaps even persecuting and taking advantage of those I now defend.

Janet: What changed you?

Old Andrew: {Reluctantly}  It’s a long story.

Janet: I have time.  I would like to hear it.  Perhaps it can add some depth to my news story.

{Old Andrew pauses for some time, as if thinking, but then finally nods.}

Old Andrew: I have only talked about it to my family and a few others since that fateful day, but perhaps it is time the story is told.

Janet: What fateful day are you talking about?

Old Andrew: You must first promise me that you won’t embellish the story I am about to tell you.

Janet: All right, I promise.  Now, what fateful day is it that you are talking about?

Old Andrew: I can’t answer that yet, but must tell you the background that led up to it first.  You see, I was the son of a minister.  But when I was young, I was anything but what you would call an angelic young man.  In fact, I led a group of boys that did nothing but cause trouble.  Perhaps my only saving grace was an insatiable curiosity.  That was what led me to look deeper into what made him who he was.

Janet: Who?

Old Andrew: All in good time.  All in good time.  You see, back then everyone simply called me Andrew, at least those who didn’t call me something worse.  All knew that…..

{The lights fade as Old Andrew’s voice fades.}

Act I Scene 2
{The lights come up on the main stage.  The set is the town square, set in Austria in the end of the 1930’s, early in the morning.  A group of teenage boys come running on, led by Andrew, a young boy of about 14-16 years of age.  They are laughing and talking boisterously as they run onto stage.}

Karl: That was a smart plan, Andrew.

Andrew: {Boasting} Of course it was.  All of my plans are smart.

Seth: I would love to see the look on old man Edleton’s face when he sees the cows in his garden; his newly planted garden tromped into oblivion.

Thomas: Yeah, his garden will be udderly destroyed. {He laughs, but all the others look at him like he’s crazy so he stops.} You know, “cow”, “udder”.  It’s a joke.  Get it?

Karl: Yeah.  We get it.  It just wasn’t funny.

Seth: Anyway, maybe without his vegetables to sell, he’ll decide he wants to pay the protection premium.

Karl: Either that or leave.  Good riddance to lowlife foreigners.  We don’t want them in Austria.  They can go back to wherever they came from.

Andrew: Wait until old farmer Ferrin finds out his cows are missing.  He’ll come hunting for them, and boy, will Mr. Edleton get an ear full.

Seth: I’m sure Mr. Edleton will guess who put the cows there and tell him.

Thomas: That’s no bull.

{Thomas laughs again, but the others don’t.}

Karl: Give it up, Thomas.  

Andrew: Even if Mr. Edleton tells him, I doubt anyone will believe him.  After all, he is an foreigner. We can just deny it and why would anyone believe him over us?

Karl: What I can’t believe is that we were able to do it without anyone seeing us.  It’s not like a person can move a whole herd of cows quietly.  I was sure by the time we got them into town, someone was going to stop us.

Thomas: Yeah, me too.  A person would think it would be udderly impossible to do what we did.

{Thomas laughs again and the others ignore him or roll their eyes, except Karl.}

Karl: Would you stop with the cow jokes?  I think my IQ has dropped 5 points tonight just listening to you.

Seth: The point is, no one would hear us at 4:30 in the morning anyway.  Most of the town doesn’t even know those hours exist.

Andrew: I would suggest we hurry home and get back in bed, and then even our parents won’t be the wiser.

Thomas: Yeah, we better moooo-ve it.

{Thomas laughs again and the others smile just shake their heads as they head off stage.}

Act I Scene 3
{The scene is a living room with a large sitting chair and a small coffee table.  This should be the same room that is used at the first with Old Andrew and the news reporter, Janet, with a few different paintings or something.  Torrance is sitting there reading a paper.  A knock is heard.  He goes off and comes in with the Policeman, who is holding Andrew by the arm.}

Policeman: You are sure this is the young man you saw driving the cows into your garden?

Torrance: Yes, it was him, among others.

Policeman: All right, young man.  Come with me.

Andrew: {Angry and sullen, gesturing at Torrance} I tell you, I didn’t do it!  Are you going to take the word of some foreigner over me?

Policeman: There were others who saw you too.

Andrew: But my parents told you I was home in bed.

Policeman:  You could easily have gotten there after the little escapade.  Come on.  You can tell it all to the judge.

Torrance: Officer, is there anyway you would let me take charge of this young man?

Policeman: Oh, you don’t know him.  He’s leader of a gang of boys that are always into trouble, threatening people and wreaking havoc.

Torrance: I’m actually quite aware of that.  I think much of  the trouble he causes involves me and others similar to me.

Policeman: I will grant that has been true.  I suppose it is your garden that was destroyed and it is you that would have to press charges.  Just be careful with him and never turn your back.

Torrance: Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.

Policeman: {Letting go of Andrew’s arm}  All right.  If you need anything, feel free to let me know.

Torrance: {Walking off stage as if walking the policeman to the door} Thank you, officer.  I will.

{While Torrance is gone, Andrew starts wandering around.  He looks at a painting that is sitting on an easel.  The painting is of a woman with a small child.  He is still looking at it when Torrance walks in and stands quietly.  Eventually, Andrew realizes he is there and is somewhat embarrassed, yet his curiosity is strong enough he doesn’t hide the fact that he was looking at the painting.  His voice also betrays animosity.}

Andrew: So, why didn’t you let the police officer take me?  Do you plan to give me some big lecture about changing my ways like my father always does?

Torrance: No.

Andrew: {Shocked and stammering} But, I thought that… Then what do you plan to do with me?

Torrance: Let you go home.  Nothing I could say would change you.  You’ve got to want to change first.  But you are so much like I was when I was your age.  An arrogant, proud fool feeling like nothing in the world can touch you.  Until something catastrophic comes along and rips that foolishness from your heart, nothing anyone says will make any difference, so I might as well not waste my time.  You just go on wasting your life. {Waving his hand toward the door.} You know where the door is.  Go ahead.  Be gone with you.

Andrew: Oh, I get it.  You’re afraid we might hit you again.

Torrance: I’m not afraid of you or you little group of extortionist thugs.

Andrew: We are not extortionists.  We are businessmen who offer insurance to those who want to buy it.

Torrance: {With a sarcastic laugh} Insurance from what, you and your juvenile delinquent friends?

Andrew: Some people are happy to buy our insurance.

Torrance: Some people are weak and easily intimidated.

Andrew: {Growing somewhat angry} I warn you that my group can be tough.

Torrance: Tough?!  You call preying on those weaker than you tough?  I call it cowardly and immature.

Andrew: You better watch yourself, old man!

Torrance: Or what?  What’s the worst you can do to me?  Take my life?  Do you think that scares me?  Maybe I’d welcome it.

{It is quiet for some time as Andrew is shocked.}

Andrew: You are a strange old man.

Torrance: You don’t know the half of it.  Now, if you will excuse me, I have things to do, and if I remember right, you were finding your way out.
{Andrew heads for the door slowly and Torrance settles into his chair.  Andrew stops just by the edge of the stage, and turns slowly as if thinking.  He comes back and stands in front of the picture.  Torrance puts down the paper and watches him.}

Andrew: Who are they?

Torrance: What difference does it make to you?  I thought you were leaving.

Andrew: Just curious is all.

Torrance: They are my wife and my son.

Andrew: {Shocked}  I thought you had no family.

Torrance: I don’t anymore.

Andrew: Anymore?

Torrance: {Slightly impatient} I thought you were leaving?

Andrew: But I want to know about them, and I can hardly even make out who they are.

{Torrance sighs as if he is being interrupted.}

Torrance: All right, if I show you a picture of them, will you leave me in peace?

Andrew: Of course.

{Torrance rises and walks to bookshelf and pulls a box from it.  He walks back to where Andrew is and opens it.  From it he takes a pocket watch that has a hole in it.  Torrance opens the pocket watch and hands it to Andrew as he speaks.}

Torrance: This is the only picture I have of them.

Andrew: It’s not a very good picture.

Torrance: That is why I am trying to recreate it on the canvas.  But I’m not a very good artist, and I can never get it quite right.  And it doesn’t help when I am interrupted all of the time.

Andrew: What is this hole in it for?

Torrance: It’s a bullet hole.

Andrew: {Shocked} A bullet hole?  Why does it have a bullet hole in it?

Torrance: I thought you were leaving?

Andrew: I was.

Torrance: Then go.

Andrew: But you can’t just tell me the hole in the watch was a bullet hole and then leave it like that.

Torrance: Can’t I?  I was showing you them and why I am painting the picture.  Nothing more.  

Andrew: But what happened to your family?  Did it have something to do with the bullet hole?

Torrance: {Becoming irritable} Those are questions which you have no right to ask.

Andrew: But…

Torrance: But nothing!  Please leave.

{Andrew starts to leave, and Torrance settles into his chair with the paper.  Andrew stops at the edge of the stage and turns back.  He stands in front of Torrance.  Torrance doesn’t notice him, so Andrew clears his throat.  Torrance lowers the paper, showing a slight bit of frustration.}

Andrew: Um, I…

Torrance: What?  I thought you had left.

Andrew: I wanted to thank you for not filing charges.

Torrance: {Showing disbelief that Andrew thanked him} You’re welcome.

{Torrance starts to raise the paper again.}

Andrew: I, uh, would like to do something to make up for my behavior.

Torrance: Like what?

Andrew: Well, I was thinking that maybe I could help repair some of the damage to your garden.

{Torrance stares briefly at Andrew in disbelief before speaking.}

Torrance: Are you serious?

Andrew: I thought it only right that I do something.

Torrance: Is this another one of your tricks?

Andrew: No.  I honestly want to help.

Torrance: Maybe there’s good in you after all.  All right.  I’m planning to start fixing it up tomorrow morning.  I will start at 5:00 AM, if you want to come over before school.

Andrew: {In shock} 5:00 AM!

Torrance: At my age, I can’t take the heat of the day, and have to start early.  If that is too hard on you, that’s okay.  I can do it.

Andrew: No, no!  5:00 is fine.

Torrance: I’ll provide breakfast for you before school, but come prepared to work because I don’t have time to lollygag around at that time of day.

Andrew: All right.

{Andrew starts to leave, but pauses for a short time at the painting.  Torrance is obviously watching him, though he acts as if he is reading the paper.  Finally Andrew exits, and Torrance lowers the paper and stares after him, shaking his head as if thinking as the lights fade.}

Act I Scene 4
{Andrew comes onto the main stage where he is greeted by his friends.}

Seth: So, Old Man Edleton called the cops on you?

Andrew: Yeah.

Seth: I think we ought to really teach him a lesson.  We could catch him in the alley over across from the town square where he always walks.

Andrew: No.  Leave him alone.  

Karl: What’s the matter with you, Andrew?

Seth: Yeah, it’s almost like you want to help that old foreigner.

Andrew: {Defensive} Of course not.  It’s just that he didn’t file any charges.  If he had I would probably have my father mad at me again.  It’s not a big deal if I do a bit of work for him.

Thomas: I think it sets a bad precedence.  All of the other useless outsiders will be thinking they can get free labor.  Then the next thing you know, none of them will think they need to pay their insurance policies.  And then what are we going to do for money?  

Seth: That’s right.  Next he’ll want all of us to work for him for free.  I think you should tell him you won’t do it and we can rough him up a bit so he knows he better not mess with us again.  We can tell him he’ll get more of the same if he doesn’t pay his premium.

Andrew: No.  It’s okay.  I can work for him in the mornings and then I’ll be free after school.

{The other boys exchange glances as if they can hardly believe Andrew is agreeing to it.}

Seth: You are seriously going to work for him?

Andrew: There is something about him I want to find out.

Thomas: Oh, I get it.  You are spying on him to get some goods on him – something for blackmail.

Andrew: {Trying to cover his real intentions}  Yeah.  Yeah, that’s it.  That’s what I’m doing.

Karl: You’re shrewd, Andrew.

Seth: But do you have to work for him to do it?  I’m afraid others may take it wrong.

Andrew: I feel it is the best thing to do in this case.

Karl: Well, whatever.  It’s you who has to do it.  But if he starts trying to get more of us, he’ll wish he hadn’t.

{Lights fade as the young men walk off stage talking.}

Act I Scene 5
{As the lights come up, Torrance, dressed in work clothes, comes in with a picture of milk and a couple of bowls of cereal and some bread on a tray, and a bit of jam.  He sets them on the coffee table.  He then goes to the side stage and calls to Andrew.}

Torrance: Young Man, it’s time for breakfast so you can get to school.

{He comes back and pours the cups of milk and takes a bowl and a slice of bread and settles into a chair.  Momentarily, Andrew comes in looking tired and dirty.}

Andrew: I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.

Torrance: I’m sorry, but I’m pretty much vegetarian.  I can’t afford too much meat anyway.

Andrew: What is breakfast?

Torrance:  I pretty much have the same all of the time.  Just some hot oatmeal and toast.  There is some raspberry jam if you just prefer toast.  There’s plenty of milk.  I already poured you a glass.

{Andrew gulps down his glass full.}

Andrew: Do you mind if I have some more?

Torrance: Have all you want. {As Andrew pours himself another glass full, Torrance continues on.} You were very helpful today.  I think we saved most of the garden.  Thank heaven I got the cows out quickly.  There wasn’t near the damage I thought there might be, and the seeds were barely germinated.

Andrew: {Between bites} So, same time tomorrow?

Torrance: That’s up to you.  I’m not making you do this.

Andrew: I’ll be here.

Torrance: I don’t even know your name.

Andrew: Andrew.

Torrance: {Reaches out his hand} I’m glad to know you, Andrew, and thanks for your help. {They shake hands} You, of course, know my name is Mr. Edleton, but if you prefer you can call me Torrance.

Andrew: Torrance.  Okay, I’ll remember that.

{Andrew starts to leave, and Torrance stops him.}

Torrance: Perhaps on your way to school today you might do an errand for me.

Andrew: What?

Torrance: Do you know where Widow Leighlin lives?

Andrew: The lady with the five little kids?

Torrance: Yes.

Andrew: Sure.  She lives in that old shack on the edge of town.

Torrance: Yes.  Would you mind taking a sack of potatoes to her?  It is getting hard for me to walk that far, especially with the pain in my back.

Andrew: I suppose I could do that.  How much do I charge her for them?

Torrance: {Shocked} Charge her?

Andrew: Yes.  How much does she pay you for them?

Torrance: I don’t sell my garden produce.

Andrew: But I thought that’s why you grew such a big garden.

Torrance: I might trade a bit to the grocer for a few things I need, but I would never charge someone for something if they really need it.

Andrew: {Subdued, realizing} But I see you delivering vegetables all over town.

Torrance: None of the people I deliver to have money to pay for them.  Oh, I might trade a bit here and there, but I don’t really sell them.

Andrew: Why would you just give them away?

Torrance: Because people need them.  Besides, I owe a debt.

Andrew: To who?

Torrance: Perhaps to my wife and son.  Perhaps to God.

Andrew: What debt?

Torrance: I don’t want to talk about it.

Andrew: Does it have to do with the bullet hole in the pocket watch that you also don’t want to talk about? {Torrance looks down as if ashamed, and nods so Andrew continues.} Why won’t you tell me about it?

Torrance: I’ve never talked about it to anyone since that day.

Andrew: I won’t tell anybody.

Torrance: My fear is not of others knowing.  It is just something I’d rather not remember.  Perhaps someday we will speak about it, but not now. {Changing the subject} So you are okay with delivering the potatoes for me?

Andrew: Sure.

Torrance: {Leaves and comes in with a bag of potatoes} I really appreciate this.

Andrew: It’s no problem.

{As he is leaving with the bag of potatoes, he stops again to look at the picture on the easel.  Torrance settles into the chair, but watches Andrew.  After Andrew exits the lights fade.}

Act I Scene 6
{It is the town scene.  Andrew comes on, carrying the potatoes, and is met by his friends.  Thomas is carrying a stick.}

Thomas: What is that you have, Andrew?

Andrew: A sack of potatoes.

Karl: Why are you carrying those?

Andrew: Mr. Edleton asked me to deliver them to Widow Leighlin and her family.

Seth: And you’re going to do it?

Andrew: Yes, I planned to.

Seth: I can’t believe your helping that old man.  You’re not getting soft on us, are you?

Andrew: {Laughing uncomfortably}  Of course not.

Thomas: {Grabbing the bag away from him} Hey, I know.  We could have a game of baseball. {Lifting up his stick} I have the bat, and now {lifting the bag of potatoes high in the air} we have some baseballs.

Andrew: {Not putting up too much of a fuss, afraid of looking bad} I don’t know guys, I did promise…

Karl: Oh, come on.  Loosen up a little.  It will be fun.

Thomas: {Pulling a potato from the bag and tossing it to Andrew} Here, you can be the pitcher.

Andrew: {Reluctantly} Okay.

{Thomas gets into batting position with Karl behind him to catch.  Seth gets in the outfield position.}

Thomas:  All right, pitcher pitcher.  Let that potato fry. {He laughs and no one joins in.} Get it, it’s a joke.  Let the potato fry.

Karl: Yeah, we got it.  It just wasn’t funny.

{Just as Andrew pitches the potato, Torrance walks in.  Thomas misses the potato and Karl catches it.  Torrance steps up, and picks up the bag of potatoes that are at Andrew’s feet, and Andrew is embarrassed as Torrance addresses him.}

Torrance: Can’t I even trust you to do something as simple as deliver a bag of potatoes?

Andrew: I… I didn’t mean to…

Torrance: Is everything in life just a game to you?

Thomas: It was just one potato.

Torrance: {Turning to Thomas} To you, it is just one potato, but to a child it may mean the difference between going to bed hungry and having something to eat.  You who have plenty and selfishly think of no one but yourselves have never known hunger, but that doesn’t mean others have not.

Seth: You better watch yourself, old man, or else!

Torrance: Or else what?

{Seth grabs the stick from Thomas and swings at Torrance.  Torrance deftly blocks it with his cane and knocks it from Seth’s grasp, clattering to the floor.  Torrance grabs Seth by the shirt, and Seth shrinks from before him in fear.}

Torrance: You are a foolish young man!

{Torrance releases Seth with a shove, and Seth steps back, afraid, but trying to recover his dignity.}

Seth: Come on guys.  He isn’t worth our time.

{Seth turns and heads off stage with the others following as Torrance looks after them.  Andrew is last, and as he reaches the side stage, he stops and turns back to meet Torrance’s glance.  Andrew looks after his friends and back at Torrance a couple of times as if torn.  He looks down at his feet, and sees the potato Karl has dropped.  He picks it up and brings it to Torrance.  Torrance takes it and puts it back in the bag, not saying a word, but looking Andrew in the eyes.  Andrew is ashamed and can’t meet his gaze, but looks down as he speaks.}

Andrew: I’d still deliver the potatoes if you want me to.

Torrance: How do I know they would get there?

Andrew: What if I gave you my word?

Torrance: Didn’t you tell me bef

Debt and Deliverance – Angels Among Us

Author: Daris Howard
     Daris Howard is an author and playwright who grew up on a farm in rural Idaho. He associated with many colorful characters including cowboys, farmers, lumberjacks and others.
     Daris and his wife, Donna, have ten children and were foster parents for several years. He has also worked in scouting and cub scouts, at one time having 18 boys in his scout troop.
     His plays, musicals, and books build on the characters of those he has associated with, along with his many experiences, to bring his work to life.
    He and his family have enjoyed running a summer community theatre where he gets a chance to premiere his theatrical works and rework them to make them better. His published plays and books can be seen at He has plays translated into German and French and his work has been done in many countries around the world.
     In the last few years, Daris has started writing books and short stories. He writes a popular news column called Life’s Outtakes, that consists of weekly short stories and is published in various newspapers and magazines in the U.S. and Canada and has won many awards for his writing.

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