Aesop’s Fables for Reader’s Theatre
Aesop’s Fables for Reader’s Theatre – Script
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Price: $8.00

Aesop’s Fables for Reader’s Theatre

Aesop’s Fables, Fables

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Aesop’s Fables for Reader’s Theatre

A great script full of Aesop’s Fable shorts that are great for Reader’s Theatre or for the classroom.

Author:    Judy Wolfman


In all of these Aesop’s Fables there are different characters – some are small, some are large – and each one would have a different voice. When reading these scripts, think about how the character might look and act, and what sort of voice he might have. Then, when reading for that character, use the voice you think the character would be best. For example, the cat (in the Cat and the Birds) might have a soft, purring voice, while the Lion (in the Lion and the Mouse) would speak with a deep, roaring voice. Use your imagination for each character and try different voices to see which one sounds best. Have fun with it!

Aesop’s Fables for Reader’s Theatre





Judy Wolfman



 Copyright 2016 


Judy Wolfman

All Rights Reserved

CAUTION: Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that AESOP’S FABLES FOR  READER’S THEATRE is subject to a royalty.  It is fully protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America, the British Commonwealth, including Canada, and all other countries of the Copyright Union.  All rights, including professional, amateur, motion picture, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio broadcasting, television, and the rights of translation into foreign language are strictly reserved. 

The amateur live stage performance rights to AESOP’S FABLES FOR  READER’S THEATRE are controlled exclusively by Drama Source and royalty arrangements and licenses must be secured well in advance of presentation.  PLEASE NOTE that amateur royalty fees are set upon application in accordance with your producing circumstances.  When applying for a royalty quotation and license please give us the number of performances intended and dates of production.  Royalties are payable one week before the opening performance of the play to Drama Source Co., 1588 E. 361 N., St. Anthony, Idaho 83445, unless other arrangements are made. 

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Table of Contents

A Word About Reader’s Theatre

Scripted Aesop’s Fables

1) The Boy Who Cried Wolf

2) The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

3) The Cat and the Birds

4) The Fox and the Goat

5) The Fox and the Grapes

6) The Lion and the Mouse

7) The North Wind and the Sun

8) The Tortoise and the Hare


Reader’s Theatre allows children to read with expression as they “act out” the story. It’s a fun way to read while learning how to read smoothly and with expression. Many children work together, acting as a team while cooperating with each other. 

Reader’s theatre builds self-confidence and self-esteem while building oral presentation skills. At the same time, students appreciate and develop oral language and vocabulary. Best of all, students are enthusiastic and interested in reading.

The performers stand (or sit on stools) in any order, usually in a staggered line or in groups across the front of the staging area. Use your creativity for this!

After reading the Aesop’s fables, students enjoy talking about the story which stimulates positive thinking, understand and acceptance of others.  All of this while having fun at the same time! Could anyone ask for anything more?



Narrator #1

Narrator #2

Shepherd boy

Man #1

Man #2

Lady #1

Lady #2


NARRATOR #1 A shepherd looked after his father’s sheep.  Everyday the sheep ate grass in a big pasture near a dark forest.

NARRATOR #2 The pasture and forest were close to the village where the shepherd lived.

NARRATOR #1 Every time the shepherd went to the pasture, he was bored.

BOY It’s a good thing I have my dog to talk to, even if he doesn’t talk to me.

NARRATOR #2 Sometimes the boy played his flute, but he was still bored.

BOY What would happen if a wolf came out of the forest?  He would go after the sheep, and I’d have to go after him. That would be scarey!  Then, I’d need help.

NARRATOR #1 The boy thought he should practice calling for help – just in case a wolf did come.  

NARRATOR #2 So, the boy ran toward the village, shouting at the top of his voice.

BOY Help!  Help!  Wolf!  Wolf!

MAN #1 It sounds like the boy is in trouble!

MAN #2 A wolf may be attacking the sheep!

LADY #1 I’ll get more people and we’ll all go to the pasture!

NARRATOR #1 Soon, all of the people in the village reached the pasture.  They looked for a wolf.  And they looked for the boy.

NARRATOR #2 They didn’t see a wolf, but they did see the boy.  He was sitting in the pasture, laughing so hard that tears were rolling down his cheeks.

BOY You sure got here fast!  I played a trick on you.  There’s no wolf.  You can all go home now.

NARRATOR #1 The people were very mad.

LADY #1 I stopped baking a cake because of you.

MAN #1 I thought you were in trouble, so I stopped milking my cow.

CHILD That was a mean trick.  You made everyone stop their work and come to you.

NARRATOR #2 Everyone went home, and the boy was by himself.

NARRATOR #1 A few days later, the boy was bored again.

BOY I think I’ll call for help again.  That was so much fun when I did it before.  I wonder how fast everyone will come this time.  

NARRATOR #2 The boy shouted.

BOY Wolf!  Wolf!  Come fast.

NARRATOR #1 Again the people in the village dropped what they were doing and ran to the pasture.

MAN #1 This time he really sounds scared.

LADY #1 I hope he’s not tricking us again.

NARRATOR #2 But when the people reached the pasture, the boy was laughing hard.

BOY You silly people.  I tricked you again!

CHILD Why do you do this?  You’re not very nice.

NARRATOR #1 Once again, the people went home.  They were madder this time than they were before.

NARRATOR #2 The boy tricked the people many times after that.

NARRATOR #1 Each time they thought the boy was telling the truth.  So they went to him quickly.

NARRATOR #2 They wanted to make sure there was no wolf.

NARRATOR #1 But one day, as the sun was setting behind the forest, a wolf really did come into the pasture.

NARRATOR #2 The boy was scared!  He ran toward the village, shouting 

BOY Wolf!  Wolf!  Come fast! The wolf is really here.

NARRATOR #1 The people heard the boy cry for help, but this time they didn’t run to him.

MAN #1 He’s tricked us before, but he can’t do it again.

LADY #1 We’re tired of being laughed at.

LADY #2 He’ll stop yelling when his voice gets tired.

MAN #2 We’re not falling for his tricks.

CHILD I hope he learns his lesson.

NARRATOR #2 While the boy ran to the village, the wolf ran into the flock of sheep.

NARRATOR #1 The wolf killed many of the sheep, then went back into the forest.

NARRATOR #2 When the boy returned to his sheep, he cried to see that so many of them were gone.

NARRATOR #1 Which just goes to show that …

NARRATOR #2 You can’t believe a liar, even when he tells the truth. THE WOLF IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING


Narrator #1

Narrator #2



Sheep #1

Sheep #2

NARRATOR #1 A hungry wolf looked at a flock of sheep grazing in the grass.

WOLF I wish I could get one of those sheep to eat.  What a fine meal it would make.

NARRATOR #2 But the shepherd carefully watched over his flock, and the wolf could not get near the sheep.  One day he found a sheep skin on the ground. 

NARRATOR #1 The shepherd had cut the skin from one of his sheep.  The skin had fallen from the shepherd’s cart as he was bringing it home.

WOLF Well, look at this!

NARRATOR #2 The wolf walked around the skin.  He looked at it very carefully.  

WOLF It looks like a real sheep lying there.  I wonder if . . .  

NARRATOR #1 The wolf had an idea.

WOLF If I wrap this skin around me, I’ll look just like a sheep.

NARRATOR #2 The wolf got excited as he thought about his plan.

WOLF I can pretend to be a sheep.  I’ll walk with them, and when I’m hungry, I’ll eat them.  That’s a fine plan!

NARRATOR #1 The next day, dressed in the skin, the wolf went into the pasture.  He walked with the flock of sheep.  One of the sheep came to him and said . . .

SHEEP #1 Baa.  What’s your name?

NARRATOR #2 The wolf tried to sound like a sheep.

WOLF Baa.  Baa.

NARRATOR #1 But the wolf didn’t sound like a sheep.  His voice was too low.

SHEEP #1 You’re not a real sheep!  You sound like a wolf!  Run, run!  A wolf is here!

SHEEP #2 Where?  Where?

SHEEP #1 Over there.  He’s wearing a sheepskin.  He’s trying to fool us.

NARRATOR #2 All of the sheep ran away.  It began to get dark.  

NARRATOR #1 The wolf decided to wait until the next day.  He fell asleep on the ground.

NARRATOR #2 Meanwhile, the shepherd reached his home and put his cart filled with sheep skins into the barn.  Then he went into his house to cook his supper.  

SHEPHERD I’m very hungry.  What will I eat tonight?  

NARRATOR #1 He looked in his refrigerator.  There was nothing to eat.  

NARRATOR #2 He looked in his cupboards.  There was nothing there, either.

SHEPHERD I guess I’ll have to kill one of my sheep for dinner.

NARRATOR #1 The shepherd picked up a knife and went to the pasture.  

SHEPHERD Baa.  Baa.  Come to me, sheep.

NARRATOR #2 But none of the sheep came.  The shepherd saw the sleeping wolf, covered with the sheepskin.  

NARRATOR #1 He didn’t know it was the wolf.  He thought it was one of his sheep.  He tiptoed up to it.

SHEPHERD Ah, sheep, you will be my supper tonight.

NARRATOR #2 The shepherd killed the sheep.  It wasn’t until he picked it up that he saw it wasn’t a sheep after all – it was the wolf.   

NARRATOR #1 Which just goes to show that when you try to fool others…



Narrator #1

Narrator #2


Bird #1

Bird #2

Bird #3

NARRATOR #1 Cat was growing thin.

NARRATOR #2 He did not have enough to eat.

CAT I wish I could find a mouse.  Or some birds.  I am very hungry!

NARRATOR #1 Just then, he heard some birds talking high in a tree.

BIRD #1 We are sick.

BIRD #2 We are too weak to fly.

BIRD #3 We need a doctor.

NARRATOR #2 Cat got an idea.  

NARRATOR #1 He put on a pair of eyeglasses and found a bag.

CAT I look like a doctor!  I’ll go see the birds.  Maybe I’ll get something to eat after all.

NARRATOR #2 Cat went to the tree where the birds lived.  He called to them.

CAT Hello, birds.  How are you today?

BIRD #1 We’re not well.

CAT I’m sorry to hear that.  I have some medicine here.  I will be happy to give you some.  It will make you feel better.

NARRATOR #1 The birds were not fooled.  They knew this was not a real doctor.  It was the cat.

BIRD #2 Ha, ha, Cat.  You think you’re smart, don’t you?

BIRD #3 You can’t fool us.  

BIRD #1 We’ll be well, thank you.

BIRD #2 And we’ll always be well . . 

BIRD #3 As long as you keep away from us.

NARRATOR #2 Which just goes to show that …

NARRATOR #1 If you’re wise, you won’t be fooled by someone bad who wears a disguise. THE FOX AND THE GOAT


Narrator #1

Narrator #2





NARRATOR #1 One day, a fox was not looking where he was walking.

NARRATOR #2 And he fell into a well.  The well was not very deep, but the fox could not get out.

FOX Help!  Help!  I want to get out of this well.

NARRATOR #1 A squirrel came by and looked down the well.

SQUIRREL I’d like to help you, Fox, but I don’t think I can.  Sorry.

NARRATOR #2 Squirrel ran away.  Soon a rabbit came.  He looked down the well.

RABBIT Poor Fox.  I wish I could help you get out, but I’m too little.  Sorry.

NARRATOR #1 Rabbit hopped away.  Fox tried jumping.  He tried climbing up the wall.  But nothing helped him get out.  

NARRATOR #2 The fox became tired.  He leaned against the wall of the well to rest.  He was there a long time.

NARRATOR #1 A goat came by.  The goat was thirsty and was happy to see a well.  He looked for water in the well, and saw the fox.

GOAT Hello, down there.  I see you went into the well to get a drink of water.  Tell me, is the water good?

FOX Good?  It’s the best I’ve ever tasted.

GOAT Is there a lot of water?

FOX Oh, yes.  There’s so much water here, I won’t be able to drink all of it.  Why don’t you come down and have some?

GOAT Thank you, I will.

NARRATOR #2 Goat jumped into the well.

GOAT You’re right, Fox.  This water is very good.  And there’s enough for both of us.

NARRATOR #1 When the goat drank as much as he wanted, he looked for a way to get out of the well.

GOAT I know I jumped into the well, but I don’t think I can jump back out.  How can I get out?

FOX I have an idea.  Stand on your hind legs and put your front legs on the side of the well.  I’ll climb on to your back.  Then I’ll step on your horns.  That will put me near the top of the well so I can get out.

GOAT Then what?

FOX When I’m out, I’ll help you out.

NARRATOR #2 The goat did as the fox said.  

NARRATOR #1 The fox climbed onto the goat’s back and horns, and out of the well.

NARRATOR #2 But instead of helping the goat, Fox headed for the woods.

GOAT Now, Fox, help me out.  Fox?  Did you hear me?  Now you have get me out of here.

NARRATOR #1 Fox heard Goat, and called to him.

FOX Sorry, Goat.  If you had any sense, you wouldn’t have jumped in before thinking about how you could get back out.

NARRATOR #2 Which just goes to show that …

NARRATOR #1 You should look before you leap!

To read more, please purchase the script.

Aesop’s Fables for Reader’s Theatre

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