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Sense and Sensibility
Based on Jane Austen’s classic novel, Sense and Sensibility tells the story of two sisters who are star-crossed in romance.Name | Description | ||
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Sense and Sensibility
Based on Jane Austen’s classic novel, Sense and Sensibility tells the story of two sisters who are star-crossed in romance. One loves a man who is engaged to another, and one loves a charming cad. To find happiness, each must understand true love.
Author: Jane Austen
Adapted by: Joyce Back
Based on Jane Austen’s classic novel, Sense and Sensibility tells the story of the Dashwood sisters, who are both star-crossed in romance.
Elinor, the elder sister, falls in love with Edward Ferrars, the brother of her sister-in-law, Fanny Dashwood. Elinor knows that Edward loves her, but when he does not propose marriage, she assumes it is because he has no independent fortune and is dependent on the caprice of his wealthy mother for support. Alas, poor Elinor! She eventually learns that Edward is actually engaged to Lucy Steele, a woman he met when he was very young. Edward feels he is bound by his word to Lucy, despite finding himself unwittingly falling in love with Elinor.
Marianne Dashwood captures the heart of the kind and noble Colonel Brandon, but she spurns his love in favor of John Willoughby, a handsome, charming man, whose gambling habit has sent him into financial ruin. He must marry for money, so he deserts Marianne, leaving her heartbroken.
The difference of each sister’s reaction to her dilemma forms the heart of the story. Elinor is sensible to a fault, hiding her emotions to such an extent that her mother and sister are unaware of how much she is suffering. Marianne suffers from too much “sensibility,” making no effort whatsoever to control her emotions in order to begin the process of recovering from her disappointment. Her neglect of her own health results in an illness that almost kills her. As she recovers from her illness, she gains wisdom and acceptance.
To Elinor’s relief, Edward’s former fiancee deserts him in favor of his brother. Elinor and Edward are married. Marianne, having attained a good deal of sense and self-knowledge, eventually falls in love with Colonel Brandon and marries him. The sisters live near each other, adding to every other advantage of their new lives.
Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility
Based on Jane Austen’s classic novel
Sense and Sensibility
Joyce Back
Sense and Sensibility
Copyright 2015
Joyce Back
All Rights Reserved
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Cast of Characters:
Mrs. Dashwood A recent widow, kind and pleasant
Elinor Dashwood Mrs. Dashwood’s daughter, age 19, calm and rational
Marianne Dashwood Mrs. Dashwood’s daughter, age 18, emotional, frank, and romantic
George Dashwood Half-brother to the Dashwood daughters; Mrs. Dashwood’s stepson
Fanny Dashwood George’s wife, selfish and unpleasant
Edward Ferrars Fanny’s elder brother, shy and quiet
Robert Ferrars Fanny’s younger brother, selfish and swaggering
Sir John Middleton Mrs. Dashwood’s cousin, loud and boisterous
Lady Middleton Sir John’s wife, cold and boring
Lucy Steele Lady Middleton’s cousin, scheming and phony
Colonel Brandon Friend of Sir John, kind and noble
James Willoughby Friend of Sir John, a charming cad
Author’s Note: Jane Austen named three of the male characters in the story “John.” This would be very confusing on the stage, so I changed John Dashwood’s name to George and John Willoughby’s name to James.
The parlor at Norland, George Dashwood’s estate near London
The parlor at Barton Cottage, a house on Sir John Middleton’s country estate
Act One
Scene 1: Parlor at Norland
Scene 2 Parlor at Norland
Scene 3 Parlor at Norland
Scene 4 Parlor at Norland
Scene 5 Parlor at Norland
Scene 6 Parlor at Norland
Scene 7: Parlor at Barton Cottage
Scene 8 Parlor at Barton Cottage
Act Two
Scene 1 Parlor at Norland
Scene 3 Parlor at Barton Cottage
Scene 4 Parlor at Barton Cottage
Scene 5 Parlor at Barton Cottage
Scene 6 Parlor at Norland
TOTAL RUNNING TIME 90 minutesAct One
Scene 1
{When the curtain opens, George Dashwood is on stage. He is dressed in black and looks distressed.}
George: My dear father…how could you be gone? How could you be gone?
{Enter Fanny. She is dressed in an expensive, elegant black dress.}
Fanny: There you are! I need your assistance this moment! Your stepmother does not quite seem to understand that Norland belongs to us now that your father is dead. She is throwing out orders to the servants as if she were still mistress.
George: Fanny, show some mercy. My stepmother has just lost her husband and now, because I am the legal heir to the estate, she’s suddenly no longer mistress of the home she has known for 20 years.
Fanny: Don’t be absurd, George. Would you have it any other way? If you are so concerned about your stepmother and half-sisters, why not invite them to remain here?
George: Why certainly, I have already done so.
Fanny: What!
George: Would you have me throw them in the street, my love? I made a promise to my father that I would look after them. My sisters will need dowries if they are to marry well, and…
Fanny: Dowries! You cannot be serious! Elinor and Marianne are not really your sisters. They are but half-sisters and deserve nothing more from you than an occasional small gift and perhaps an invitation here once a year.
George: But my dearest Fanny, I made a promise to my father!
Fanny: Certainly, but what else could you do? It would have been wrong to refuse him, but now he is gone and the estate is yours. Besides, I believe his expectation was less than you imagine. Surely he meant only a small presentation of funds to help them resettle in some charming little cottage.
George: Perhaps you’re right. I’ll give them a one-time gift of money rather than taking over their support. Three thousand pounds would be a generous addition to the ten thousand pounds my stepmother will have.
Fanny: My dear…let us not be hasty. The loss of three thousand pounds will restrict us most cruelly. You know I had my heart set on new-furnishing this parlor… {She applies a handkerchief to her eyes.}
George: Of course, Fanny dearest, I had forgotten. Do not upset yourself. Indeed, three thousand pounds may be excessive. Surely my father meant something smaller…or perhaps he was not thinking of money at all…
Fanny: I believe you are quite right. No doubt he meant a gift of venison in the fall hunting season or some such thing.
George: Yes, that could be done quite easily. I’ll give them a very small present of money and promise to visit every fall and bring them a fine buck for their table.
Fanny: A small present of money…do you truly believe your father would have wished you to hamper the estate that way? Think of our future children, my love.
George: Indeed…we might have several children of our own…and each would need to be provided for.
Fanny: Yes, let us have no more talk of giving your stepmother money. She will live very simply in a little cottage somewhere. She has two daughters who must learn to cook and clean. How cozy they will be in their little home! I quite envy them!
George: You’re right, my love. I will promise to visit them at least once a year. That will lift their spirits. They surely do not expect more from me, for what use would it be to them?
Fanny: They will want for nothing. And as to dowries, Elinor and Marianne are not likely to marry.
George: Not likely to marry? Why do you say so? They are both quite good looking, especially Marianne. She is considered very beautiful.
Fanny: Certainly, but that is exactly the point! The girls are very attached to their mother and will most likely not want to leave her. But if a suitor did appear for Marianne (I have little hope for Elinor), her good looks might be fairly balanced against his money – a dowry would not be necessary.
George: Very true. I will make no promise of money to them. It would be an insult. I’m sure my stepmother would refuse it.
Fanny: Very wise, my dear. It would not do to insult her.
{Enter Marianne. She is crying into a handkerchief. Without seeing the others she sinks down on a settee.}
Marianne: Oh, my dear father! How will I bear life without you!
Fanny: Oh come, Marianne. It has been two days since the funeral. You must endeavor to control your constant weeping.
{Enter Elinor and Mrs. Dashwood.}
Elinor: Marianne, come dear. These tears will do no good. We must accept the loss of our father with courage. He would not want us to harm our health by giving in to such grief. Be brave, dear, for Mama’s sake if not your own.
Mrs. Dashwood: My beloved child, your grief stabs me to the heart.
{Elinor crosses the room to stand with George and Fanny.}
Elinor: Fanny, the housekeeper informed me that your brother Edward is coming tomorrow for a long visit. I wish you would defer his visit until my mother and Marianne have reconciled themselves a bit better to this sad change in our lives.
George: Certainly, Elinor. I will write tonight and…
Fanny: George, you will do no such thing! My mother wants Edward to be in London when Lady Stratham holds her annual ball. Mother very much wishes him to meet a certain Miss Morton with a dowry of thirty thousand pounds, and she has been informed through friends that Miss Morton will certainly be there.
Elinor: You may do as you like, Fanny. This is your home now, and no one disputes your right to be mistress of it. If your brother comes, so be it, but I did not like to hear from the housekeeper that you intend to move Marianne out of her bedroom so that your brother may take possession of it.
George: Fanny, surely that is not…
Fanny: My brother Edward is the elder son, and when my mother dies he will be master of one of the richest estates in England. Do you expect me to crowd him into a chamber fit for a servant? Marianne has no need of such luxury as she has become accustomed to. She will be quite comfortable in an attic room.
Elinor: {angrily} An attic room. You are putting your husband’s sister in an attic room.
George: Fanny…
Fanny: Hush, George. To answer your question, Elinor, yes. Marianne is not an invalid. Surely at age 18 she can climb a few stairs.
Elinor: Give me the attic room. Marianne can take my room and thus remain near her mother.
Fanny: Very well. It is all the same to me.
{Elinor crosses the room to the settee where sit her mother and Marianne.}
Elinor: Come, Mama. Come, Marianne. Let us walk in the shrubbery. It’s a fine day and the fresh air will lift our spirits. {They exit.}
Fanny: I declare, George. They might show a bit of appreciation for our generosity in having them here until they find a suitable cottage.
{Fanny exits and George follows her, looking sad and sheepish.}
Scene 2
{When the curtain opens, Elinor is on stage. She is sitting with a sketch book and busily drawing.}
{Enter Edward. He is dressed for riding. He stands in the room uncertainly and Elinor does not see him.}
Edward: I beg your pardon… {His voice is so soft that she does not hear him. Edward steps closer to her.}
Edward: I beg your pardon…
Elinor: Oh!
Edward: I frightened you…I’m so sorry…
Elinor: Oh, no, it’s quite alright. You must be Mr. Ferrars, Fanny’s brother. I am Elinor Dashwood, George’s sister.
{Edward bows.}
Edward: We are related in a sense, are we not, so please call me Edward.
Elinor: Very well…Edward…and I am Elinor.
Edward: I interrupted your work, but may I see what you’re drawing?
Elinor: Oh certainly. It’s a sketch of the maple tree you can see from that window. I’ve lived here all my life and have watched it grow from a green branch to a beautiful tree.
Edward: A noble tree indeed. And at the risk of sounding foolish, I believe a tree to be more beautiful than all the great buildings created by men.
Elinor: If that makes you foolish, I’m foolish as well, for I quite agree with you.
Edward: Your sketch is very good. Fanny did not tell me that her sister-in-law was an accomplished artist.
Elinor: You are very kind.
Edward: How is it that we have never met before? My sister has been married to your brother for quite some time… two years now, I believe.
Elinor: {with a sigh} Yes…only two years…though it often seems longer. {recollecting herself} The answer to your question is simple: Whenever George visited, Fanny did not accompany him; and my mother and sister and I were never at any time invited to their home in Richmond.
Edward: How odd. I feel…and I hope I’m not impertinent…that this is my loss. I might have met you sooner, but now I hope we can be…friends…good friends…
{Elinor looks down, a bit embarrassed.}
{Enter Marianne, walking rapidly and angrily.}
Marianne: Elinor, the very idea that Fanny would put either of us in an attic room! Oh, I was not aware we had a visitor!
{Edward bows.}
Elinor: Marianne, I would like to present Mr. Edward Ferrars.
Marianne: Well! The famous – or should I say infamous – Mr. Ferrars is here at last. Tell me, are you as arrogant as your sister? If so, your acquaintance will be no asset to my life! I suppose you are here only to meet Miss Morton and attempt to wed the poor girl to get your hands on her money!
{Edward looks completely confused and distressed.}
Elinor: Marianne! Mr. Ferrars has done nothing to deserve your censure! Pray control your emotions…and your tongue!
Edward: Miss Marianne…I do beg your pardon…I don’t wish to offend you in any way…but I’m at a loss…who is Miss Morton and what have I done to her?
{Marianne stares at Edward. She walks around him, still staring.}
Marianne: {whispering to Elinor} This is Edward Ferrars? This shy, apologetic young man is Fanny’s brother, the future master of her mother’s estate?
Elinor: Yes, and I assure you, he is very different from Fanny. You owe him an apology.
Marianne: {turning to Edward and curtsying} Mr. Ferrars, I beg your pardon. I must confess that I’m very impulsive. Your sister relegated me to the attic so that you might have my chamber, and my sister, who is the best-hearted creature the world has ever seen, insisted on taking the garret herself to spare me from being separated by an entire floor from my mother. You see, my father has just…
Edward: What say you? My sister forced you from your own chamber? To give it to me? I…I…am sorrier than I can say. I’ll speak to Fanny immediately.
Elinor: {trying as always to soothe everyone} Mr. Ferrars, I assure you, that is not necessary. Marianne is quite comfortable in my chamber, and the attic suits me perfectly. It’s the best place in the house to look over the landscape and sketch.
{Enter Mrs. Dashwood. She sees Edward and stops. Her expression shows that she intends to take a dislike to him.}
Mrs. Dashwood: {frostily} Good morning.
{Elinor hurries to her mother.}
Elinor: Mama, this is Mr. Edward Ferrars. Marianne and I were just becoming acquainted with him, and we’re very certain you will like him as much as we do already.
{Edward bows deeply.}
Edward: Mrs. Dashwood, may I express my condolences. I apologize for troubling you with my presence at such a time, but my mother particularly wanted me to visit Fanny. She thought I might be of assistance to her in settling here at Norwood, although I don’t know what sort of help a shy, foolish fellow like me could provide.
Mrs. Dashwood: {obviously confused by his gentle and self-effacing demeanor} Mr. Ferrars, I thank you for your kind words.
Edward: Ma’am, I appreciate your understanding. My mother, I fear, is not in the habit of taking no for an answer. And since I’m still dependent on her, I find it easier to obey than to fight a battle I cannot win. I will be as little trouble as possible. I enjoy sitting quietly with a book or walking in the country.
{The three women exchange glances. They are astounded that he is Fanny’s elder brother.}
Mrs. Dashwood: I mean no offense, Mr. Ferrars, but I must say, you’re very different from Fanny.
Edward: From all my family, ma’am. My brother Robert should be the elder son, and I would change places with him if I could. My sister and brother are constantly engaged in society, while I sit under trees and read about philosophy. My mother is often cross with me, and I suppose I can’t blame her.
Marianne: Cross with you! Forgive my frankness, but if people were to be cross with me because I loved to read – which I do – I would think them very small-minded. Your mother should thank heaven every day for such a son as you!
Edward: {smiling} Miss Marianne, your frankness delights me and I wish my mother thought as you do.
Mrs. Dashwood: Mr. Ferrars…
Edward: Please ma’am, call me Edward.
Mrs. Dashwood: Very well…Edward. Tell me, does Fanny know you’ve arrived? Has the butler announced you?
Edward: No. I came in the back door directly from the stables. I dislike the pomp and formality of being announced.
Marianne: Bravo, Edward! But now we must take you directly to the drawing room or your sister will raise the very dickens and accuse us of usurping you.
Mrs. Dashwood: {laughing} I apologize, Edward, for the licentiousness of my younger daughter’s tongue. However, she is correct. Fanny will want to see you immediately.
Edward: {sighing} Of course…but first…unless I’m mistaken…Miss Elinor Dashwood invited me to walk to that maple tree she was drawing before I interrupted her.
Elinor: {embarrassed but willing to go along with the idea} Did I? Of course…if you’re sure Fanny will not mind.
Edward: {offering his arm} It can be our secret. Mrs. Dashwood and Miss Marianne will not betray us, I am sure.
{Elinor takes Edward’s arm and they exit, leaving Marianne and Mrs. Dashwood looking at each other with delight and amazement.}
{Enter Fanny.}
Fanny: Mrs. Dashwood, to my great surprise, the head groom was passing the drawing room on his way to the kitchen, and he congratulated me on the arrival of my brother. I scolded the butler, as you can well imagine, for his remissness in not announcing my mother’s future heir, but he swore he knew nothing of Edward’s having arrived.
Marianne: Fanny, how very, very strange.
Fanny: {not trusting Marianne} I suppose you have seen nothing of him, Marianne.
Marianne: {looking about} My dear Fanny, I certainly do not see anything in this room that could possibly be construed as your brother. Perchance he is hiding behind that shelf?
Mrs. Dashwood: {trying not to laugh} Perhaps he is walking outside to refresh himself after his long journey.
Fanny: {looking from one to the other} If you see him, tell him to join me in the drawing room immediately.
{Fanny exits rapidly and angrily.}
{Mrs. Dashwood and Marianne do their best to suppress their laughter.}
Marianne: Mama, I feel so guilty for enjoying such mirth so soon after Papa’s death, but I know he is somewhere nearby laughing as well.
Mrs. Dashwood: I feel certain he is, my love.
{Mrs. Dashwood and Marianne exit.}
Scene 3
{When the curtain opens, Fanny is on stage. She is walking back and forth impatiently.}
{Enter George.}
Fanny: What, are you back from town already?
George: Sir Isaac and Lady Moore were out. I was certain he told me to call this morning but I must have been mistaken.
Fanny: You have done your duty. If he did not have the courtesy to keep his appointment with you, I will not send them an invitation to our first ball.
George: But, my love, I’ve been told that they are the leaders of society here. I have no doubt it was a simple misunderstanding that Sir Isaac was not at home.
Fanny: Do not think small, George. They may be the leaders now, but I fully intend that we will be the leaders in future. We will modernize Norland and make it a showplace. We will invite the best of the ton, and our invitations will be more sought-after than those of any other estate.
George: What do you mean by modernize the estate, my love? My father kept it in excellent condition.
Fanny: What care I for its condition? That is your purview. I want to improve its appearance…for example, those maple trees that line the drive to the house…they must go.
George: What, cut down the maples! No, my father will turn in his grave!
Fanny: {pretending to weep} Do not speak to me so; you distress me. I want only to improve your home for your sake…and the sake of our future children.
George: Of course, my dear. Forgive me.
Fanny: I know you meant no harm, but you must trust me on such matters.
{Enter Mrs. Dashwood.}
Mrs. Dashwood: You wanted to see me, Fanny?
Fanny: I did indeed, but wait a moment please. {to George} Pray excuse us, my dear. We have feminine matters to discuss and our conversation would bore you exceedingly.
{George bows to Mrs. Dashwood and exits.}
Fanny: Mrs. Dashwood, I have no wish to distress you, but it has been three weeks since your husband passed away, and yet you have not found a suitable cottage for your future residence. Naturally, George and I are delighted to have you here at Norland…however…I’m concerned about a certain circumstance.
{Mrs. Dashwood says nothing.}
Fanny: {awkwardly} I’m sure you know to what I’m alluding.
{Mrs. Dashwood shakes her head.}
Fanny: Come, now…do not be disingenuous. You know as well as I that your daughter Elinor has fallen in love with my brother Edward.
Mrs. Dashwood: Has she indeed? Did she confide in you? That surprises me, I confess.
Fanny: Certainly not, but it’s very simple to see.
Mrs. Dashwood: You have discerned more than I have, Fanny. I have seen nothing but two young people who have formed a friendship that seems to be giving them pleasure.
Fanny: Mrs. Dashwood…we both know that such a friendship between two young people who are thrown together in the same household may…or must, I should say…lead to love. I have no concerns about Edward, for he is well aware he would never be allowed to make a foolish match, but…
Mrs. Dashwood: A foolish match! Did I hear you correctly? Your opinion is that my daughter would be a foolish match for your brother? I am astounded, Fanny!
Fanny: I regret my choice of words. Elinor is a lovely young woman, and I esteem her as a sister-in-law. But my mother’s plans for Edward are clear. She wants him to participate in public life and marry a woman of fortune. She will accept nothing less.
Mrs. Dashwood: Your mother must be a strange and incomprehensible guardian for her children if she would attempt to destroy her son’s happiness for such a reason!
Fanny: {very angrily} Mrs. Dashwood, you dare to speak so of my mother! I will make no attempt to discuss this issue further, for I can see that you will not be reasonable!
{Exit Fanny.}
{Enter Marianne, who gets pushed by Fanny as she angrily exits.}
Marianne: What is Fanny boiling about now? One wonders if she ever has a placid moment.
Mrs. Dashwood: She has just noticed that Elinor and Edward are in love.
Marianne: Well! I had a wager with the housekeeper as to when she’d observe that delightful situation.
Mrs. Dashwood: {laughing} And did you win, my pet?
Marianne: No. The housekeeper had much more faith in Fanny to see something besides her own self. She wagered on next week, and my bet was not until the two lovebirds actually were wed.
Mrs. Dashwood: As much as that amuses me, I’m very afraid that Fanny’s meddling, along with her mother’s, could end in destroying Elinor’s happiness.
Marianne: My dear Mama, no! Surely Edward has a stronger spine than that. If he has not, then Elinor will be better off without him.
Mrs. Dashwood: Spoken like someone who has never been in love.
Marianne: Very true. When I fall in love, it will be with the boldest man in the world. He will do everything with courage and confidence. His daring and romantic nature will allow nothing to stand in his way!
Mrs. Dashwood: Fine words, my dear. But what if he were dependent for an income on his mother, as Edward is? As the elder son, he has not been prepared for a profession.
Marianne: If Edward were bolder, he would tell his mother what she should do and refuse to accept less than his rightful share of…
{Enter Elinor and Edward. She is carrying a letter.}
Elinor: Mama, this just came for you.
Mrs. Dashwood: Thank you.
Elinor: Marianne…Edward and I want to walk through the farm meadows to the forest beyond. Please come with us.
Marianne: Certainly. You need a chaperone and I will be delighted to go. But do not expect much conversation from me. The forest in the autumn is so beautiful that I become incapable of speech when I walk there.
Edward: We are all of the same mind, Miss Marianne. Mrs. Dashwood, can we convince you to join us?
Mrs. Dashwood: {intently reading her letter} Thank you, but no.
Elinor: Is something wrong, Mama? Did your letter bring bad news?
{Mrs. Dashwood walks away from the group. She is engrossed in her own thoughts.}
Marianne: Mama…?
{Mrs. Dashwood turns toward the others, as if she had just remembered they are the
Sense and Sensibility
Author: Joyce E BackNo videos show for this product.
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