The Royal Tutor
The Royal Tutor – Script
One needed for each performer and others directing or working with production.
Price: $8.00

The Royal Tutor

The Royal Tutor

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The Royal Tutor- Peformance Royalty The Royal Tutor – Peformance Royalty – One needed for each performance.

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The Royal Tutor

A new play with a bit of intrigue, sword fighting, and romance.  This is a fun play to perform.

Scripts Needed (minimum): 11+ (Could use more sword fighters and dancers)

Performance Royalty:  1 Per Performance

Author:    Daris Howard


The Royal Tutor


Jacob – Captain of the guard.  Looks to be mid 20’s.  Almost always calm and seldom flustered except when queen gives him his assignment.

John – Young guardsman mid 20’s.  Fun loving and friendly.

Edward – Young guardsman mid 20’s.  Fun loving and friendly.

Princess Marie – Young woman about 18.  Needs to be beautiful with an athletic build.  Her hair would need to be such that it can be let down and make her look like a woman, yet short enough to be tucked into a hat

Lord High Chamberlain (LHC) – Older man, should be able to be made to look 60’s plus but athletic and a good sword fighter.  Carries himself regally.

Queen – A woman probably in late 40’s to early 50’s.

Esmeralda – Maid, could double as dancer and/or sword fighter

Duke Elnard – A fortyish man.

Sword Fighters – At least 4.  These could be men or women because they could wear masks like a ninja.

Dancers – In th ballroom scene there needs to be at least one or two young men to dance with the princess.  They could double as the sword fighters.  Other women would be good too.

Priest – Could be one of the sword fighters dressed differently. Costuming

The guardsman will wear uniforms befitting guardsmen of about the 16th – 18th  century.  

The Lord High Chamberlain would need clothing befitting men of higher standing.

Princess Marie is the main one who will need to change costumes.  She may need to wear pants and shirt over which she can throw a dress and then take the dress off  for speed of change.  She will need a page boy type hat which she can tuck her hair in to make her look more like a boy.

The hairstyles and dress should reflect the time period which would is actually quite open, but probably in the 16th – 18th centuries.


Act I Scene 1

{The scene opens with a sword fight in the dim light that is supposed to represent early morning.  Jacob, captain of the royal guard, is single handedly fighting against three or four men and winning but tiring.  He is first joined by Lord High Chamberlain to help him and then they are joined by John and Edward, his friends and fellow guardsmen.  The enemies are disarmed and captured.  Other guardsmen can also join in if there are more available.  This sword fight can be as elaborate as desired.  Lord High Chamberlain can help take them off stage and then come back on later in the scene.}

John: Who were they?

Jacob: I don’t know.  I caught them trying to sneak into the palace.

Edward: What should we do with them?

Jacob: Have them interrogated.  We must find out what they wanted.  They obviously were up to some evil intent.

{Edward salutes and goes off.}

John: {Noticing the torn sleeve and cut on Jacob’s arm.}  You have a wound, Sir.

Jacob: It is only a flesh wound.  It’s not a big deal.  

John: You should have called for help.

Jacob: You try finding breath and calling for help while fighting four assailants.  I am glad Lord High Chamberlain got there when he did.

John: I can’t understand why Lord High Chamberlain always seems to get there first after you do.

Jacob: That I can’t answer.

John: And why didn’t we hear them and you did?

Jacob: {Smiling at his friend.} That, my friend, is why I am Captain of the Royal Guard and you are just a guard.

John: {Laughing} And your high academy score didn’t have anything to do with it as well as your father being captain before you.

Jacob: {Laughs}  Of course not!  It was all skill.

John: {Laughs} Of course.  But I must admit, my friend that I’d much rather have you on my side  than against me.

{Edward returns.}

Edward: Sir, I’m afraid we will get very little from them because we can’t understand them.  We think they are from Esconodia.  

Jacob: They are very good fighters; well trained.

John: Why would they be after the queen?

Jacob: I don’t understand all of the political games.  I am, after all, just a captain of the guard.

John: Our shift has almost ended.  Would you like to join us for some refreshment?

Jacob: Maybe later.  I am studying about Plato’s paradox of knowledge.  He says either we already know what we are looking for, in which case we don’t need to look, or we don’t know what we’re looking for, in which case we wouldn’t recognize it if we found it.  He shares the idea…

John: Sir, you aren’t going to bore us with thoughts by another dead man, are you?

Jacob: Plato was one of the most interesting men that ever lived.  

Edward: And he said he would rather not have a monument than have people ask why he had one.

Jacob: “I would much rather have men ask why I have no statue, than why I have one,” was by Cato the Elder, the great Roman orator.

John: How about this one.  “Live for today and forget what old people say.”

Jacob: I’m not familiar with that one.  Who said that?

John: {Striking a pose}  The great John Hashner.

{John and Edward laugh.  Jacob smiles.}

Jacob: Great, John.  We’ll have it engraved on your tombstone.

John: Well, if you won’t join us we’ll be on our way.

{Edward and John exit.  Jacob is picking up his things when the Lord High Chamberlain, advisor to the queen, enters again.}

LHC: Captain.

Jacob: {Turns and sees who it is and salutes with a right arm across the chest.} Yes, sir, Lord High Chamberlain.

LHC: At ease, Captain.  The queen has requested you in her court as soon as you can get there.

Jacob: Yes, Sir.

{They exit as the lights fade.}

Act I Scene 2

{Lord High Chamberlain enters followed by Jacob.  It is the throne room.  The queen is sitting, not dressed in her finest, but looking as though she has gotten out of bed.  Lord High Chamberlain stands at her side.  Jacob kneels in front of her.}

Queen: You may rise, Captain.  Lord High Chamberlain informs me there was another attempted breach of security.

Jacob: Yes, Your Majesty.

Queen: If I am correct, that would be the fourth one already this year.

Jacob: Yes, Your Majesty.

Queen: They seem to be increasing in frequency and intensity.

Jacob: Yes, Your Majesty.

Queen: I also understand you fought the four attackers single handedly.

Jacob: Only for a short time, Your Majesty.  Lord High Chamberlain and others of the royal guard were quick to join me.

Queen: Captain Richins, how old are you?

Jacob: {Taken back by the question and changed subject} I am 22, Your Majesty, almost 23.

Queen: How long have you been the Captain of my Guard?

Jacob: One year, Your Majesty.

Queen: And you were in the guard for how long before that?

Jacob: Two years, Your Majesty.

Queen: And before that?

Jacob: The University and Royal Guard Academy.

Queen: How long?

Jacob: Three years, Your Majesty.

Queen: Quite impressive.  You moved up quickly, and sixteen is very young to qualify for the academy.

Jacob: {Feeling he knows where the conversation is going and concerned}  If Your Majesty is concerned about your safety you needn’t be.  My men and I are extremely proficient at our work.  I can guarantee there will be no harm…

{The queen raises her hand to silence him.}

Queen: I am not concerned in the least about the security here.  I have complete trust in you and your men as I did in your father before you.  It is just that there is something that has kept me up at nights.  Something has bothered me greatly and I want you to take it on as a special assignment.

Jacob: {Bringing his right arm up and across his chest} Anything Your Majesty would desire is my command.  I feel I am one of the best sword fighters of Your Majesty’s Royal Guard.

Queen: Of that I have no doubt.  But the assignment I have requires more than a sharp sword.  It will require a keen mind, a good heart, and patient spirit.  I have watched you and I feel you are the man for the job.  You are brave, kind, and carry yourself well.

Jacob: Thank you, Your Majesty.

Queen: Do you know my daughter Marie?

Jacob: {Somewhat shocked at the question and speaking slowly as if not sure where the conversation is going} Why, yes, Your Majesty, everyone knows Princess Marie.

Queen: Did you know today was her seventeenth birthday?

Jacob: Yes, Your Majesty.  I do believe everyone in the palace knows.

Queen: And do you know that one year from today, according to our traditions, she will be considered a woman, mature and ready to take her place in society?  Do you feel she is ready?

Jacob: {Looking at Lord High Chamberlain as if pleading for help, but Lord High Chamberlain pointedly ignores him as he stammers}  Well, I…

Queen: You realize on that day there will be a grand ball where all of the young princes, dukes, and other high society young men will come to meet the young princess?  She will be expected to dance with them, to make intelligent conversation with them, and above all, to carry herself like a princess.

Jacob: Yes, Your Majesty.

{There is a momentary, awkward pause as she looks directly at him.}

Queen: I want you to be her tutor, her escort, her teacher, {then as an afterthought} oh, and her bodyguard.

Jacob: {Shocked} But Your Majesty, a tutor!  I’m a soldier.  

Queen: Yes, that is true so while you are at it, teach her to defend herself.  You never know when that might come in handy.

Jacob: Begging Your Majesty’s pardon, but what can I tutor a princess in?

Queen: Everything.  You can teach her things you learned at the university.  I understand you love the music of the great composers, that you read the works of great philosophers, that you are great thinker and talented young man.  Train her in the arts.  Teach her to dance.  They did teach you to dance at the academy?

Jacob: Yes, Your Majesty.  We were trained in all of the social graces.  But surely she has already been taught to dance.

Queen: There have been many attempts, but she has scorned them all, as I’m sure you are well aware.

Jacob: But don’t you feel it would be better to have a woman as a tutor to the princess?

Queen: All of the tutors so far have been women and have failed miserably.  I want her to have some influence from the opposite gender.  You see, her father died when she was yet a young girl.  My daughter will soon be queen and I feel there are things she needs to learn; things that I can’t teach her.

Jacob: But I don’t know how to tutor.

Queen: Don’t you teach your men?

Jacob: Well, yes, how to fight and defend the palace and such things?

Queen: I’m sure it couldn’t be that much different with other subjects.

Jacob: But surely there are better people to teach her than myself.

Queen: Captain Richins, describe your father to me.

Jacob: He was a kind, honest man.  Loyal to Your Majesty and the country above all.  Loved by all who knew him.

Queen: Good.  That is how I knew him as well.  Just teach her the things your father taught you.

Jacob: But Your Majesty, I…

Queen: {Firmly} That will be all Captain Richins.  You start this morning and the dawn is already breaking. {He bows and starts to leave dejectedly.} Oh, and one more thing. {He turns back to her.} You have my full leave to use whatever training methods you feel necessary.  You have my full trust.  You may find her difficult and she may threaten you and your position, but have no fear.  Your assignment is not in her hands, but in mine alone.

{He bows and exits.  There is a brief moment of silence.  The queen may not even turn to Lord High Chamberlain but notes his silence and speaks forward in a queenly way}

Queen: You are very quiet, Matthew.  Do you question my actions?

LHC: I have never questioned Your Majesty’s actions, though I must say I wonder at your course of reasoning.

Queen: You are very diplomatic, Matthew.

LHC: Your Majesty has always made wise decisions.  Women drive me crazy.  I look at something logically, I analyze, I then make a decision and you just follow your heart and make a decision that defies all logic.  The maddening part is your decisions end up being the right ones.

Queen: {Laughs} I suppose that is what makes us women.  But there is one place I have not always made the right decisions and that is in raising my daughter.

LHC: But is having a soldier tutor her the right thing?

Queen:  You have always been wise in counseling me in political matters, Matthew, but this time I am looking at what is best for Marie; not as her Queen, but as her mother. 

LHC: {Somewhat under his breath}  She dances like a cow in a mud hole.

Queen: What was that, Matthew?

LHC: I was just saying that the young princess says she would rather be a man than a woman and tends to feel dancing is, how should I say, ridiculous. 

Queen: She can learn.

LHC: She’d rather ride horses, climb trees, and fight than learn philosophy or listen to music.

Queen: That may be true and I don’t want to destroy her free spirit, just broaden it.

LHC: What are you looking for this young man to do?

Queen: To change her heart.

LHC: In what way?

Queen: To help her think of others besides herself.  I will be honest, Matthew.  I have raised a daughter who is self-centered and thinks of no one but Marie.  That is not the kind of queen I want to leave to rule my people.

LHC: But Your Majesty, what if she falls in love with him?

Queen: That is a very distinct possibility; one I would not condemn.

LHC: Your Majesty, he is but a soldier.  It is unheard of for a person of royal blood to marry a commoner, especially a soldier.  And what of the alliance?  We are not a strong country.

Queen: {Almost angry}  Hang the alliance!  This is my daughter we are speaking of! {Then much calmer.} Besides, Matthew, I feel the strength of my people is not in their arms, but in their hearts.  I only want that for my daughter.  And Matthew, you have to admit that with Marie, he’s got his work cut out for him.

LHC: I’m not sure he has a prayer. 

Queen: I was much like Marie until I met my husband.  His kind, gentle, yet firm spirit helped mold me that summer my parents sent me to live with his family away from the palace.  I’m not sure but what my own parents planned for us to fall in love.

LHC: As I remember he wasn’t all that excited about it.

Queen: No, and at first we viewed each other as enemy number one.  I can’t even explain what happened.

LHC: It must have been for the best because you have always ruled wisely by following your heart.

Queen: You are kind and diplomatic.  Sometimes a big liar, but kind and diplomatic.  That is why I want you to be the one to tell her.

LHC: {Shocked, panicky, almost to terror}  You want me to tell Princess Marie you are having a soldier tutor her?

Queen: Can you think of anyone who would be better?

LHC: I can think of everyone as better.  I would rather face the guillotine.  

Queen: With Marie, it may be about the same.  Good luck.  And you best be going.  She will be waking soon and I want her to know at the first of the day. {Lord High Chamberlain rolls his eyes, but bows and exits.  Then the Queen to herself} And good luck to you, young Captain.  My prayers are with you. 

To read more, please order the script.

The Royal Tutor

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